• Reviews

    Book Review for Runes for the Green Witch

    The Runes for the Green Witch An Herbal Grimoire By Nicolette Miele Published by Destiny Books Released date January 30th 2024 Contains 278 Pages This book has 24 chapters. Each chapter contains the Elder Futhark runes and their correspondences with plants, crystals, elements, deities, Moon phases, zodiacs, planets, tarot and chakras. For instance, chapter 15 talks about ELHAZ. It discusses the meaning of Elhaz, It was a beautiful poem, It stands for protection, Divine support and sanctuary. It also includes how to pronounce it, its history and translation. It then continues to talk about what its connected to like, there are 9 different correspondences of medical properties with plants and…

  • Interviews

    Exclusive Q&A With La Carmina about Her New Release “The Little Book of Satanism”

      La Carmina is an award-winning alternative culture journalist and TV host. She runs the leading blog about Goth travel, fashion and Satanism (LaCarmina.com/blog), which was featured in The New York Times and Washington Post. La Carmina is the author of four books including Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo and Cute Yummy Time, published by Penguin Random House. She received a journalism prize from the Society of American Travel Writers, and her writing has appeared in Time Magazine, CNN, Business Insider and Architectural Digest. As a TV personality, La Carmina has danced with William Shatner and Henry Winkler on NBC’s Better Late Than Never, dined with Japanese monsters on Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods, negotiated a $666 taxidermy head on Discovery Channel’s Oddities, cooked cute…

  • Monthly Columns

    Stay in Your Magic, Keep in Your Power an Excerpt from “Happy Witch” by Mandi Em

    Stay in Your Magic, Keep in Your Power (Excerpted from “Happy Witch” by Mandi Em)   Magic can help you feel powerful, but there can be a big difference between the way you feel post-ritual and the way you feel as you’re going through your mundane life. The feeling of connectedness and otherworldly magic can get lost in the shuffle sometimes when the day-to-day chaos starts piling up, leaving you feeling zapped and depleted. No more! Cultivating a magical life can be the antidote to feeling pressed by the mundane and disconnected from your power. This is the big secret of the craft: It allows you to keep perspective of the…

  • Monthly Columns,  Reviews

    Exclusive Interview with Author Madame Pamita

    Madame Pamita Talks About Slavic Magic and Baba Yaga, the Slavic Witch of the Woods   “If you follow the guidance within you, you get led to do the right things,” said Madame Pamita, author of “Baba Yaga’s Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods,” which was reviewed here last month. She has, and amazing things have happened. “My mom bought me a tarot deck when I was ten years old. She grew up in a magical household. We lived in a magical household. Albeit, it was Catholic magic. You go to church and you light a candle and you’d make a wish or a prayer.…

  • Monthly Columns

    Good Vibrations – Subtle Energy Techniques for a Radiant New You this New Year by Cyndi Dale

    No matter your biological age, energy medicine offers great anti-aging benefits. From the get-go, I must admit that I have my own secret ingredient. I have spent almost two decades following my youngest son’s baseball career, with most of the games occurring between February and June in the upper Midwest. Guess what that means? Yup. I am typically sitting on the bleachers in glacial weather. The downside is that I am usually miserable. The upside? My wrinkles freeze in place. Short of recommending my own unique practice, there are numerous activities that promote longevity, good health, and a youthful appearance. The ones I share herein are backed by science but…

  • Reviews

    Worth the Witch

      Spiral Rain Zodiac Box     This is the first of two boxes we are reviewing this month from Spiral Rain. Living two hours from Montreal and almost that far from Quebec City, Rani Guillemette began purchasing monthly subscription boxes to acquire tools to practice her Craft, only to realize she could make them and, in the process, grow as a person. “I love doing research, I love helping others and I love witchcraft,” she said.     Spiral Rain was born November 1, 2018; two months later it was officially online. Since then she has put together two sets of themed boxes, each with 12 categories. This review…

  • Monthly Columns

    Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light

    Top Picks and Ideas for Starting Your BOS: Part One Last month we began the exploration of what should be considered in selecting the perfect book. This month I’d like to share some of my top picks for journals and some ideas to get started…. Just to reiterate…. I have MANY journals that have at one time or another served as my BOS. I went through the phases of using a very traditional looking BOS. This was the look of “witchiness” a la movies and imagination; this was my novice witch look. The next phase was using whatever was handy and could be sourced readily as inspiration flowed. These were…

  • Monthly Columns

    Peeking in the Shadows; Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light

    Welcome to Peeking in the Shadows. This monthly column will give you everything you need to create or to add to an existing Book of Shadows and Light – aka. BOS. This month is a quick-look at what a BOS is and what it may contain. We’ll go through in more depth these and other components in future months. But for now…. A Book is Not (Always) Just Another Book As you continue on the pagan path you will want to create a Book of Shadow and Light. This is essentially a journal or guide that holds special Quarter Calls, rituals, information and results of herbs used, incense recipes, spell work,…