WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Ostara Cards Merry meet. I don’t always manage to get Yule cards out on time, but it occurred to me: why send cards only for the winter holidays? Why not for spring? Here is a suggestion for an Ostara card that can be modified for any of the other sabbats. I bought packets of seeds that were magickal and, hopefully, easy to grow – organic and heirloom when possible. Then I wrote a verse for the inside of the card that can serve as a spell, which you are free to use: “As the wheel turns and we move into the light, May…
Book Review – The Witchy Homestead: Spells Rituals and Remedies for Creating Magic at Home by Nikki Van De Car
Book Review The Witchy Homestead Spells Rituals and Remedies for Creating Magic at Home by Nikki Van De Car Publisher: Running Press Adult 144 Pages Publication Date: August 17, 2021 I’m always on the lookout for books focused on everyday magic that makes home and family life easier and, perhaps, that little bit more wonderful. This one is so eye-catching with its promise of spells, rituals, and remedies for creating magic at home. Yes please! The book is handily split into three sections: Enchanting Your Food, Enchanting Your Health, and Enchanting Your Home. I love the idea of enchantment as an everyday practice to weave into all aspects of…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
A Journey Through the Witch’s Wheel of the Year 2022! The Witch’s Wheel of the Year In the February Issue we began exploring the Sabbats of the Witch’s Wheel of the Year and beginning a journey of filling our BOS with information about how we celebrated and what we found to be true of our practice. For a review of what the Wheel of the Year is take a look at February’s posting here: Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting A Book of Shadows and Light-February2022 We Continue Our Journey Through the Witch’s Wheel and call to the Light of the Summer Solstice…. THE SUMMER SOLSTICE/LITHA The King…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Crafts for Witches: Hag Stones Merry meet. This month’s column looks at hag stones, also known as fairy stones, holey stones, witch stones, Odin stones, and eye stones. They are rocks that have naturally occurring holes, worn by water over long periods of time. Because it’s commonly believed magic cannot work on moving water, hag stones are valued because they would be immune to the effects of magic, adverse energies, and enchantments, yet possess water’s powerful protection and healing energies. The oddity of the stones has made them a focus of folk magic. For centuries witches have used them in spells and rituals for everything from…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
This month concludes our focus on Devotion and the Great Work.… Nuances of The Great Work-Part Two “When a human reaches up to his/her Higher Mind and learns to access the vibrational gifts from that realm (of his/her own higher consciousness), she or he will be filled with inspiration and courage. And this type of inspiration and courage could change the world through actions that are then taken by that individual.”… anonymous … The Essential Elements of Devotion If we take a look at devotion through the lens of the Alchemical Elements, we can see the cycle that occurs in the process. These three (3) Alchemical Elements form…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
This month our focus is on Devotion and the Great Work…. Nuances of The Great Work-Part One “When a human reaches up to his/her Higher Mind and learns to access the vibrational gifts from that realm (of his/her own higher consciousness), she or he will be filled with inspiration and courage. And this type of inspiration and courage could change the world through actions that are then taken by that individual.”… anonymous … As we begin our exploration of the Great Work, I’d like you to keep in mind that there are many roads that lead to this work. There is no one-size-fits all and the most direct path…
Book Review – Spark Magic: 50 Ways to Find Your Power by Chronicle Books
Book Review Spark Magic 50 Ways to Find Your Power by Chronicle Books Chronicle Books 50 cardboard matchsticks “Spark Magic” isn’t a book, but an odd little novelty item intended to inspire the imagination. Although it might have easily been a deck of cards or a book of suggestions, “Spark Magic” comes in the form of a box of fifty cardboard sticks shaped like matches that don’t light, but instead, have short, pithy suggestions for introducing and manifesting magic in your life. The design and execution of the box is charming and shiny, and suggests something mystical inside; the matches themselves are cute and well-made. The suggestions…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
Over the next few months, we’re going to take a look at the categories and sections you may wish to include in your BOS. What you add to your BOS is as unique as you are and will evolve and change as you evolve and change on your path. Flexibility is key to organizing your BOS, but you should have a method of organization as well. This month our focus is on Visionary Work…. Visionary work takes many forms so you will undoubtedly have multiple sections in your BOS that are inclusive of that work. These will include divination and oracular practices, information gained from spell crafting, ritualistic visioning,…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches – Nature Weaving
Nature Weaving Merry meet. Every season has its gifts. Exploring nature and responsibly collecting its offerings will provide materials both to decorate your altar and to make a Nature Weaving to adorn your sacred space, a door, the corner of a room, a garden, or a porch. Options for a frame range from a Y-shaped branch to a large picture frame. Using hemp cord, twine, string or yarn, tie one and to a corner or end. Wrap the cord twice around the stick or frame; keeping it taut, bringing the cord to the opposite side, again wrapping it twice around before continuing from side to side, keeping it…
Book Review – The Green Witch’s Grimoire: Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Natural Magic by Arin-Murphy-Hiscock
Book Review The Green Witch’s Grimoire Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Natural Magic by Arin-Murphy-Hiscock 256 Pages … A grimoire is essential for any witch wanting to capture and record spells, rituals, and secret ingredients. And for a green witch, a perfect place to reflect upon the power of nature, and document the stones, plants, flowers, oils, and herbs used in her practice…. The Green Witch’s Grimoire: Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Natural Magic by Arin-Murphy-Hiscock is a companion title to Arin’s previously published The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More.…