Book Review – Shamanic Reiki Drumming: Intuitive Healing with Sound and Vibration by Faye Johnstone
Book Review Shamanic Reiki Drumming: Intuitive Healing with Sound and Vibration By Faye Johnstone Publisher: Findhorn Press 208 Pages Release Date: August 15, 2023 The sound of the drum beat softly as I read Faye Johnstone’s Shamanic Reiki Drumming; Intuitive Healing with Sound and Vibration. It’s the first book I’ve read with my drum by my side, periodically drumming and reading as I ventured along the veil of words and worlds. I loved every minute of it. Faye provides extensive materials for beginners as well as the validation and support needed for practitioners in the wide field of healing arts. This book will obviously draw readers who…
Book Review – The Guidance Groove: Escape Unproductive Habits, Trust Your Intuition, and Be True by Carolyn Kurle, PhD
Book Review The Guidance Groove: Escape Unproductive Habits, Trust Your Intuition, and Be True by Carolyn Kurle, PhD Publisher: Treehouse by the Sea Press 172 Pages Release Date: January 4, 2023 There is a voice inside you that knows exactly what to do in every situation. “The Guidance Groove” is an invitation, a manual, to find, cultivate, trust, and live according to that intuitive voice of wisdom and authenticity. A big part of listening to intuition is recognizing when you are not, when you are stuck in one of the “Unproductive Grooves” of inadequacy, obligation, scarcity, or unworthiness. Examples and questions guide readers to take an…
Astrea Taylor: Interviewing an Intuitive Witch
During the Covid-19 Crisis, digital interviews have really come into their own! Many thanks to Astrea Taylor, witch and author of Intuitive Witchcraft, for taking the time out to talk to PaganPagesOrg about her book, her craft and more. Mabh Savage (MS): For those that haven’t yet read the book, can you tell us a little about what you mean by “The path without a path.” Astrea Taylor (AT): In paganism and witchcraft, there’s a lot of talk about the pagan path or the path of a witch. This concept is popularized in pagan media, with book covers or blog photos depicting a forested path. If you unpack…
Retha’s Crystal Reflections
How Can My Crystals Support Me Now? I was going to write this months column on something completely different, then I thought….instead of suggesting new crystals to try, maybe sharing some tips on how to work more with the crystal allies you already have would be a better route to take. With the way the world has drastically changed over the last couple months, many are on very limited budgets, and many can’t purchase new tools right now. That’s OKAY. You don’t need any funds for sparkly new crystals (unless you can afford them- and if so, ROCK on!) As long as you have a piece of quartz, you are…
Book Review – You Already Know: How to Access Your Intuition and Find Your Divine Life Path by Helen Jacobs
Book Review You Already Know How to Access Your Intuition and Find Your Divine Life Path by Helen Jacobs 344 Pages I started this book just as the quarantine in the US began, so doing the exercise of creating silence and sacred space was comfortable. Easier than it would have been for me before the quarantine. I haven’t made this many notes for a book in a long time. Since it was an e-book, I had to have my spiral notebook close by to make my notes. I always stop reading and write what I want to remember right away; otherwise, I forget too quickly things that catch…