• Crafting Articles

    In the Kitchen with Skarlett – To Your Health!!

    With the wear and tear of the Holidays behind us and a long, cold (at least in the northern hemisphere) winter ahead of us. We will be most likely up against the dreaded cold and flu season. Now would be a good time to focus on a bit of rest and self care to get you through to Spring. Do keep in mind that these practices are no replacement for professional medical help. But used in concert with sensible medical care, these should help provide relief and healing. There are several deities you can call on to aid you in healing. The big one being Brighid. Her festival of Imbolc…

  • Reviews

    Book Review-The Moon Apothecary: Rituals and Recipes for the Lunar Phases by Lorriane Anderson

    Book Review The Moon Apothecary: Rituals and Recipes for the Lunar Phases By Lorriane Anderson Publisher: Rockpool Publishing 265 Hardcover with Full Color Pages & Illustrations Release Date: October 1st, 2024 The Moon Apothecary is an absolutely beautiful, full color hardcover that will exceed the expectations of any Green Witch, or any Witch in general, really. It’s a complete grimoire of self care based on the lunar phases, giving crystal, herb and essential oil correspondences, self-care rituals and recipes for tinctures, salves, lotions, teas and so much more. If you want to get yourself more in tune with the Moon and her phases, and also take steps towards self care (in a witchy…

  • Monthly Columns

    Focus Pocus

    Finding Inspiration When You’re Overwhelmed (Litha 2023)   Everyone has probably felt overwhelmed from time to time, but those who are neurodivergent might experience overwhelming feelings differently, more frequently, or both. It’s easy for us to feel overwhelmed in overstimulating environments, our brains are always scanning the world around us, thinking at what feels like five times the speed of light, making connections upon connections, and our neurodivergent brains don’t help us filter a lot of the noise out. This can leave us anxious, paralyzed, and feeling like we’re stuck or out of control and can act like a huge barrier when we are trying to get ourselves together, especially…

  • Monthly Columns

    Living the Oily Life

    Lemon Oil     Lemon oil is another extremely versatile oil. It is suggested as one of the 1st oils for someone starting their foray into essential oils and it also happens to be another favorite of mine. It can be used topically (on the skin), aromatically (inhaled) and internally. Topical application is a great quick pick-me-up or can help brighten a person’s day. When using citrus oils topically caution needs to be practiced when the area is exposed to sunlight as it can cause sun sensitivity. Lemon oil is great in water to break up the boredom with just drinking plain water. It can also be mixed with peppermint…

  • Monthly Columns

    Focus Pocus

    Odysseus Probably Had ADHD   Ever since I was diagnosed with ADHD, I’ve been looking for role models I can learn from. There are many celebrities, athletes, and influencers who speak out about their experiences and I find it inspiring to hear their stories. Simone Biles, Emma Watson, and Scott Kelly are just a few of the famous people I admire and hearing about their struggles and their achievements helps me remember that I can achieve a lot of things myself. I also like to observe other people and see if any ADHD-like characteristics emerge, or any other neurodivergent traits. I do this with the intention of better understanding someone…

  • Monthly Columns

    Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body, and Spirit

      Welcome to Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Here you are invited to explore, collect knowledge and learn how to implement mindfulness in your life. The benefits of mindful living are a deeper mind, body and spirit connection, as well as learning to see yourself and the world around you without harsh judgment. The previous article discussed how to take small mindful moments throughout the day. This began weaving a practice of mindfulness into your life. No matter where you are in your practice, I want you to take three slow deep breathes and give yourself a moment of gratitude for being open to mindful living…

  • Monthly Columns

    Focus Pocus

    My Life is Not a Greek Drama, but Thank You Anyway Eris     During my year-long journey reading the Iliad and the Odyssey as part of Jack Grayle’s course Godsong, I noticed the way I perceive some of the gods in the stories differently than when I studied the texts when I was in college. Over the years life experience and therapy has shaped how I understand the actions of others and recently I found myself relating to the Goddess of Strife in a way I never expected. She is referred to as Strife in the Iliad Book 4, “whose fury never tires, sister and friend of murderous Ares,…

  • Monthly Columns

    Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body, and Spirit

    (Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash )   Welcome to Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Here you are invited to explore, collect knowledge and learn how to implement mindfulness in your life. The side affects of mindful living are a deeper mind, body and spirit connection, as well as learning to see yourself without judgment. One of the most important skill sets to mindful living is observation without judgment. Learning to simply see the situation that you are in without pulling in past experiences, expectations, other individuals thoughts or opinions or coloring the situation in any way takes practice. The next step to observation is to…

  • Monthly Columns


    What Are the Magickal Arts? When I began this column for PaganPagesOrg many years ago, I had a vision of filling it with writings focused on exploring the magickal weavings of artistic endeavor. I am after all a former professional ballerina. One of my children is a trained fine artist, another is a classically trained musician, and all five of my children are excellent writers and artists in their own rights including the sciences- a pediatrician, a biomedical engineer and a veterinarian. As the years continued forward I have come to using the term Magickal Arts as an expression of the artistic and refined nature the Craft requires. As magickal…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – My Pocket Self-Care: Anytime Activities to Refresh Your Mind, Body, and Spirit by Adams Media

    Book Review My Pocket Self-Care: Anytime Activities to Refresh Your Mind, Body, and Spirit by Adams Media Published by Simon & Schuster 176 pages Publication date: December 8, 2020     This cute little book is an excellent addition to my library of self-care books. It covers the body, mind and spirit, rather than just one of those topics like some books I own. I think it’s great how it is small enough that I could just throw it in my purse and have it easily at hand. In fact, it lived in my purse as I was reading and reviewing it. Now it lives on my nightstand for quick…