Book Review – 2024 Astrology Diary – Northern Hemisphere: Plan Your Year with the Stars
Book Review 2024 Astrology Diary – Northern Hemisphere: Plan Your Year with the Stars By Patsy Bennett Publisher: Rockpool Publishing 160 pages Publication Date: June 12, 2023 This diary lists major solar, lunar, and planetary positions for every day of the year, making it possible to navigate life with the help of astrological influences. Astrology studies the movement of celestial objects. Each planet has its own characteristics that, depending on where it is located, will influence the tone and opportunities of the day. The planner is organized by sun signs, each leading off with a two-page forecast summarizing the zodiac sign. Positions of planets and other…
Stellar Applications
Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications Welcome to this issue’s Stellar Applications…. In this issue of PaganPagesOrg we are celebrating the Autumnal Equinox (aka. Mabon), the Second Harvest of the Fall. The Autumnal Equinox heralds the start of new beginnings that take the form of returns to school, planning for the upcoming holiday seasons, cooler weather and the bounty of beauty that surrounds in nature with the kaleidoscopic falling of leaves. This year’s date of the Equinox is Sat., Sept. 23rd @ 2:50am (EDT). If we look to the astronomical energies that are occurring we celebrate the space of balance between the waning light of the year…
As Above, So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)
In the Beginning… The Big Bang itself may be up for debate, but what’s not, is what the universe was made up of in her early moments. In those early moments, the universe was pure energy. According to CERN, The European Organization for Nuclear research, it took the universe (then made of pure energy) about 380,000 years to condense into the first elementary particles, quarks and gluons. Quarks we’re the very first building blocks of matter. The gluons containing the strong nuclear force that holds them together. These atoms were mainly hydrogen and helium, the simplest and most abundant elements in the universe. These atoms formed huge clouds,…
DVD Review – Mythic Journeys Directed & Written by Steven Boe and Whitney Boe
DVD Review Mythic Journeys Directed & Written by Steven Boe and Whitney Boe Stars Mark Hamill, Tim Curry, Lance Henriksen Imaginal Cells FilmWorks 1h 33min “Mythic Journeys” is an odd movie: half documentary, half claymation mythical narrative, this film explores all sorts of mythical narratives, and the role of mythology in modern media and society. It explores these themes by contemplating the hero’s journey in many different cultural traditions and speaking to many different mythologists, paying homage to Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung along the way. It feels a bit like two different movies, as it goes back and forth between documentary material that includes interviews with Deepak…
Book Review – Sex Signs: Your Perfect Match Is in the Stars by Constance Stellas
Book Review Sex Signs Your Perfect Match Is in the Stars by Constance Stellas 256 Pages With Valentine’s Day this month, many of us are thinking about our love life. Either we are looking for a new lover or we are looking to reignite a love that perhaps has fizzled out a bit. Here is the book for you! It’s Sex Signs: Your Perfect Match Is in the Stars. I have always loved these kinds of books. Who doesn’t? Who doesn’t want to find their “perfect match”? Published by Adams Media, an imprint of Simon and Schuster, Sex Signs is written by Constance Stellas, an astrologer living in…
Worth the Witch
Blessed Be Box / New Moon in Aquarius The enchanting box for the new moon in Aquarius January 24 was carefully packed with products to honor the moon cycle, empower individuals to manifest their desires, and provide support for the coming four weeks. Refreshing angelic white – representing air and the feeling of elevation – served as a sub-theme for this box. Slipping the box out of the bag, the frankincense incense, even in its package, offered a calming, uplifting scent and hinted at the magic inside. Opening the box reveals a card showing its contents, a copy of a Temperance tarot card that can be…
Book Review – The Little Book of Self-Care for Libra by Constance Stellas
Book Review The Little Book of Self-Care for LibraSimple Ways to Refresh and Restore – According to the Starsby Constance Stellas 160 Pages Bright Blessings, Readers! I am glad to be reviewing this great guide to why it is important to take care of yourself, and even happier to say, that author Constance Stellas has guides for all twelve signs! An accomplished astrologer in print, she also teaches, and helps clients in both the United States and Greece. She has written for such illustrious publications as the New York Times and Marie Claire. She’s been a practicing astrologer for over 20 years, and she really knows her stuff. For…