The Kitchen Witch
The Humble Boxty Many years ago, I went out with a guy named Tim. We were just kids; I was a little older than he was, but we were still kids, basically. I was twenty and he was eighteen. At that time, the drinking age was eighteen years old in New York State. We went to a lot of concerts and to clubs that featured live music. Tim was a major Deadhead and I loved anything I could dance to. But like so many young people, we drifted apart. I didn’t hear from Tim for many years – not until I reconnected with him on Facebook around 2007 or so.…
The Kitchen Witch
Air-fryer Chicken Wings I am just about the last person I know to get an air-fryer. My sister has had one for several years now. At the last family gathering – which was before COVID – there was a spirited conversation about air fryers, which brands cooked better, the trading of recipes. Recently, I was on a bus and I heard some people behind me talking about air fryers and what they cooked in them. I thought, I have got to get one of these things! But I wasn’t in a real big hurry to purchase one – I’m never in a hurry for anything. The day I went out…
The Kitchen Witch
Blueberry Pie Nothing says summer more than blueberry pie! Whether you’re using fresh blueberries picked from your own patch or from a blueberry farm or blueberries bought at a farmer’s market or blueberries frozen from an earlier picking session, this is probably one of the quintessential pies of summertime. Perfect with vanilla ice cream, it’s a treat that everyone loves. I have made blueberry pie several times in my life. Usually I just make my standard pie crust – the simple one I have memorized and have made hundreds of times – and simply mix fresh blueberries with sugar and flour and then bake until the crust is a…
The Sacred Spoon
Balancing Meals – Heart Chakra Vinegar Roasted Greens The heart chakra represents and manages love, compassion, understanding, patience, and above all empathy. A closed or blocked heart chakra can show itself as a lack of empathy, depression, anxiety, and stress. An open one helps us connect to nature and those around us. A well balanced heart chakra is important in our day to day life and helping your family have a balanced one should be of high importance for a happy and healthy home. In this recipe we have a lot of benefits for our loved ones. It is packed with vitamins A, B6, and C along with healing…
Pixie Witch Kitchen
Samhain Pumpkin Cookies We all love Samhain for so many reasons. Theres always so much going on at my house on that day. Getting ready for the trick or treaters, Samhain rituals, Witches New Years and it’s also my wedding anniversary. With that being said I always bake up a bunch of treats for everyone and this is one of my favorite cookies for this time of year. Soon it may be your favorite. It is a pretty simple recipe and the taste is just amazing. So lets get started. Ingredients 2 cups butter, softened 2 cups white sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons baking soda 1…
Pixie Witch Kitchen
Pixie Witch Mango Salsa Today we are going to make a really yummy mango salsa. Its a bit different from the traditional mango salsa and so simple to make. You can eat it as a salsa with some corn chips especially the hint of lime corn tortilla chips, the flavors are amazing together. It is also delish served over fish or on the side of chicken. I made BBQ chicken with mine and served it on the side. It has only 6 simple ingredients and only takes about 10 mins to prepare. Ingredients 1 Mango peeled and diced 3-4 Small Tomatoes, diced 3-4 TBSP. Cilantro, cut up 1/2 Yellow Onion,…
Pixie Witch Kitchen
Witchy Fingers Stew aka String Bean Stew Today we are going to make a delicious stew that I call witchy fingers stew since the string beans look like a witch’s fingers. It is a great stew to serve up for Beltane. It has a little kick to it but if your not into spicy you can omit the cayenne pepper. The spice is for the fire of Beltane. The Earthy string beans, onions, celery and meat go so well together. Beltane is a time to celebrate fertility of the Earth, fire and abundance. It is celebrated on May 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and on November 1st in the…
Pixie Witch Kitchen
Goddess Stuffed Eggs Since Ostara is just around the corner I thought this would be a fun and delicious recipe to share with you. Its a bit different then the traditional deviled eggs especially with the ranch dressing and bbq sauce drizzled on top. Yep you read that right. A lot of people think eww that doesn’t sound good but once they try it they fall in love with them. I’ve made them for parties and Ostara rituals before and they vanish fast. So give it a try. You will love them, too. Have a Blessed Ostara. Ok lets start. Gather up the following ingredients. Ingredients 12 Large Eggs 1…
Pixie Witch Kitchen
Homemade Italian Parmesan Bread and Homemade Butter On February 1st we celebrated Imbolc which is also called Brigid’s Day. It is the half way mark between winter and spring. Some of the foods prepared on this day are homemade breads and homemade butter. So today we will be making a delicious Italian Parmesan Bread with a bread machine. Yea I know that’s not very traditional using a bread machine, ok its not traditional at all but it fast and easy to do especially if you don’t have much time or have any medical issues and cant knead the bread yourself. Don’t worry I included directions to do it by hand…
Pixie Witch Kitchen
Spicy Crispy Yule Stuffing This is my favorite stuffing recipe that my mom taught me to make years ago. It’s just something she did one day and it was amazing. I changed it up a bit to make it spicier but if you don’t like spicy foods just don’t add the pepper. Most stuffings are soft and soggy but this one is nice and crispy. My friends and family always ask me to make it during holiday dinners. So now its time to share it with you and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do. Its also vegan friendly just change the butter into the cooking…