
Rayne’s Ritual Way

Making Your Beltane

I’m going to do something a little different for this month. Because Beltane is so close to a lot of us, it’s all about releasing that creative fire! Which is why I’m not going to be doing a set ritual this article, instead I’m going to give you, my readers, all the tools necessary, to create, preform, and celebrate this lovely Sabbat.

A lot of the lore around this time of the year involves sex, Beltane being one of my personal favorite Sabbats what you would find around this time of the year normally includes, bright colors, bonfires, balefires, maypoles couples jumping the Beltane fire, and fire divination…to name a few.

So let’s look at some of the symbolic/magical meaning behind some of these things.

1)      The maypole has been seen as a traditional Beltane ritual rite for a very long time. Basically as the people dance around the pole they weave ribbon down its length. The hole that the pole is placed in is usually seen as the Goddess’s womb, the pole representing the phallic. To me, the weaving of the coveners represents the beautiful, renewing union between the Goddess, and God.

2)      Jumping the Beltane fire is something I’ve personally done on Beltane every year since I started practicing. For me it means an ending to a certain aspect of my life, and the beginning of something new. A lot of divination work can be done with the Beltane fire. Really get your creative energies flowing with this Sabbat, and a jump over the Beltane fire can be a great way to start.

3)      I’ve always thought to release something you burn it. Beltane is a great time to make a medicine bag, a poppet, or simply a cheese cloth filled with herbs/trinkets/bones or whatever you want. You charge the bag with intention, to bring or banish something from your life, and throw it into the Beltane fire.

Spells around this time would include things such as, renewal, changing, divination, it’s a great time to start a new witchy practice! And if you can get your hands on it, snakeskin is GREAT for banishing. I like to do spells for self-healing around this time. And if you have one, you and your partner could even explore some tantric magic.

Whatever you choose to do this Beltane, make sure it’s safe, that your fire is watched and that you enjoy yourself! Close your eyes, feel the heat of the fire, think about the Goddess and God’s passion as they make love and bring in the fire of the year.

**I hope everyone has a Blessed Beltane!**