
Interview with Moonwater SilverClaw Author of Be A Wiccan Badass



Author of Be A Wiccan Badass

“Be A Wiccan Badass” is a easy-to-read, simple guide to the Craft, best for beginners and advanced beginners, although more seasoned practitioners will still get some good advice from it. I recently sat down with Moonwater for a chat.

SM: Good morning, Moonwater. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to talk with me.

MS: Sure. My pleasure.

SM: I have looked at both your website and your Amazon author page (links below). You have quite a few books to your credit, including “Be A Wiccan Badass”, which I have right here.


What made you decide to be a writer.

MS: I had a prophetic dream. In the dream, I was at a computer and I was writing. The Gods told me to start a blog. So I did.

At first, I was, like, are you kidding? I’m dyslexic. But you don’t dismiss the Gods, so I started writing. I have a lot of help. I have my sweetheart and friends that edit my stuff.

SM: That’s wonderful. We all need some help in our lives.

MS: Yes, and the Gods have helped me immensely.

SM: Which of your books came first?

MS: “The Hidden Children of the Goddess”

SM: I will be certain to post links to both your website and Amazon page.

MS: This first book is my Wicca 101 book. I wrote it in a specific way.

You see, because I am dyslexic, many of the books I read learning the Craft were sometimes hard to understand. So, I kept the thought in my mind to write simply and to make it easy to understand.

SM: How were you called to Wicca?

MS: Books…..how many at the time I learned even knew about Wicca? I heard a word I had never heard before. The word was Wicca. I went down to the local book shop and asked the lady behind the counter for any books on the subject. I soon had my arms full of books. I chose one. That one book changed my life forever. What was that book? It was Scott Cunningham’s “Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Pracitioner”.

SM: Scott Cunningham helped so many beginners enter the Craft.

MS: Yes, and I hope that I can do this, too. I want to make Wicca accessible to those who may have a hard time reading and understanding what they have read. For example English as a second language or having dyslexia, as I have, or another learning disability.

SM: I found ” Be A Wiccan Badass” extremely easy to read and understand. It was inviting, as if we were just sitting chatting, as we are now.

MS: Thank you. I tried to make it inviting and friendly.

SM: I believe in one of earlier chats, you had mentioned that you have been practicing for 27 years.

MS: Yes, I have been practicing since the 1990’s.

SM: I read somewhere in the book that you were a Third Degree Initiate. Would you mind sharing with us in what tradition you are trained?

MS: I am a Third Degree Gardnerian

I wrote this book to help others be strong and find their own power. As a young girl, I had no self-confidence and felt like I had no power to change my circumstances.

I needed to experience a shift in myself. Fortunately, my path in Wicca helped me become stronger. Instead of remaining trapped with my then husband, I left. Wicca also strengthened me to become bold. I had to shake off my fear due to enduring dyslexia as a kid. It took courage to become a blogger/author.

With my first book, you can be more confident when you solidify a connection with the Goddess. Even if someone insults you, you can carry yourself with grace and strength because you know the Gods are with you.

SM: You practice a very traditional path of Wicca, but I notice that most of your books focus specifically on the Goddess, or so their titles would indicate, while “Badass” uses both Gods and Goddesses.

MS: No, I do include the Gods in all of my books. However, the Goddess speaks to me and others more, so I put her in the title.

SM: You are specifically speaking of “Hidden Children of the Goddess” or “Badass” with this description.

MS: Specifically “Hidden Children” but the others also include the God.

SM: So, I loved the idea of “speed grounding”.

MS: Thanks. I thought that was a good one. It can help you ground fast, especially if you practice it regularly.

SM: I would think that speed grounding would be for someone who has already been practicing their path for a while and can get to that place relatively smoothly. I find the grounding is part and parcel of deeper work, as well, which is harder than what speed grounding would indicate. Do you think beginners should practice this, or have more of a basic knowledge of the path that they are following?

MS: Yes. I think they need to know how to ground the regular way first. This way they know the process. Otherwise, they don’t know if they are doing it correctly.

SM: Yes, that is the point I was making. I know that there are always those looking for a quick fix and may think that Wicca can provide that, when in reality, it is far from it.

MS: I agree that grounding is a road to deeper work.

Yes. I have a friend that loves what I do but she wants me to make it a quick and fast thing to learn. I tell her that you can’t. You still need to study long and hard and keep studying throughout your life. It is not a fast and cheap spiritual path. It takes dedication and time to practice the techniques of Wicca.

SM: That is most certainly does. It is a lifelong path.

MS: Yes, totally.

SM: I liked the section on forgiving yourself, as that is something we all need to be reminded of. Also, the section on writing your own spells was informative. This seems to be one part that stymies many people.

MS: Yes, I hoped to guide the reader to feel more confident in creating their own spells. Because a spell you write yourself is going to be more effective than one someone else writes.

SM: Very true.

Is there anything you would like to share with the readers of Pagan Pages that they may not get through your books?

MS: I think that Wicca is a positive, spiritually, that really works. The God and Goddess are there to help you on your path; to guide you and nurture your growth. Wicca is for you to become stronger and find you own power. Plus, to know that you are loved by the Gods.

As I said, they have helped me immensely.

SM: I know that you credit Wiccaa and the Gods and Goddesses with saving your life.

MS: You don’t have to believe what someone else tells you that God is, you talk to them and find out yourself.

SM: So, do you consider yourself a “Wiccan Badass”?

MS: <Laughing> I am trying every day. Some days, yes; other days I need a little help. It’s all a learning process. I’m human just like you, and we all as humans make mistakes.

SM: Did I say I was human? <Laughing> Just a little joke.

MS: <Laughing> Well, you are the nicest __________ I have ever met.

Fill in the blank.

SM: Well, Moonwater, I thank you again for taking the time to chat with me today.

MS: Sure, thank you for the chat.

For more information on Moonwater SilverClaw and her books:

