
Crafting in Sandi’s Enchanted Garden


Making a Pendulum from a Crystal


                Hello crafty witches! My name is Sandi and I will be showing you how to create fun and magickal things right here in my enchanted garden. I want to thank everyone at Pagan Pages for inviting me to create with you! Today we are going to make a crystal pendulum and a question board.

                Pendulums are used for many different things from finding lost items, to figuring out answers to problems, and even locating spirits. The pendulum is basically a chain with a pointy end. Copper and crystals are the best things to use for your pointer on your pendulum. If using a crystal you can choose one whose properties match the intentions of the question you are trying to answer.

                A question board can be something as simple as a piece of paper with yes and no written on it or as fancy as you could imagine making one. A question board isn’t necessary but can be a great help with focusing and for learning. If you are looking for a lost item a floor plan of the place you want to search is necessary. Hold your pendulum over the plan while seeing your lost item in your mind. The pendulum will move towards the spot your object is hiding! If you are searching for spirits focus on the desire to communicate with the other side and ask questions. The spirit may move your pendulum in the direction that indicates a yes or no answer to you. Sometimes a pendulum has been known to point to spirits in a room.

Before using you pendulum you must first calibrate it. To do this begin by establishing the direction you want it to seeing for a yes answer and which way for a no answer. Next, begin by asking questions you know the answers are true. After a few of these ask questions you know to be false and see how it answers. Once satisfied with the way the pendulum is answering you can begin using it for divination and searches!

                You will need:

A crystal with a definite point

A 6 ½” chain or rope

2 – 10” wires to wrap your crystal

3” wrap wire

A bead of your choosing

Flat nose pliers

Round Nose Pliers

Wire Cutters


The first thing we want to do is to wrap our crystal so it can be hung from a chain. 

Take your 2 wires and bed them into an L shape in the center. Hold them so that they face each other and make a small square in the center.

Place the bottom of the crystal through the square and twist the ends        

                                          with your pliers 6 times.

Then fold the twisted wire flat against the stone towards the top and

start twisting the new sides together.     

Bring the sides to the top of the crystal, hold together, and bend the wire back with the round nose pliers into a bail.  


Take your wrap wire and wrap it around the bail.    


Cut off the excess wires and flatten.


Cut a 2” – 3” length of wire and run through the bead. Use your flat nose pliers to hold the wire and the bead. While using the round nose pliers make a small loop and wrap the excess around the loop to hold it in place. Do the same with the other end but slip it through the chain before closing it off. This bead at the end will help you to hold onto the pendulum when using it. 

Use a jump ring (or make one with wire) to hold the pendulum to the chain, and you are done!