Meet the Gods: Asclepius Asclepius is the ancient Greek god of medicine, healing, wisdom, rejuvenation and physicians. His name means “to cut open” because his mother, Coronis, died during labor and his father, Apollo, performed the first cesarean section by cutting the child out of her womb. Asclepius married Epione, the goddess of soothing. Their daughters were Panacea (goddess of medicines), Aegle (goddess of good health), Aceso (goddess of the healing process), Iaso (the goddess of recuperation) and Hygieia (the goddess of health, Hygiene). They also had three sons. According to GreekMythology.com, “At some point, Asclepius healed a snake, which in return taught him secret knowledge – snakes…
Review of Fred Hageneder’s Tree Angel Oracle Deck
The Tree Angel Oracle Deck Bright Blessings! I was thrilled to go to the mailbox, and find among the unwelcome bills the beautiful Tree Angel Oracle Deck to review! The author is Mr. Fred Hageneder, and I am surprised we don’t talk about him more in our Pagan circles. His bio, as written on innertraditions.com states, “Fred Hageneder is a leading expert in ethnobotany, specializing in the cultural and spiritual history of trees. A founding member of the Ancient Yew Group in Britain and a member of SANASI, a scientific group that helps protect indigenous sacred sites, he is also a member of the Ecocentric Alliance. The author…
Worth the Witch
Spiral Rain Zodiac Box This is the first of two boxes we are reviewing this month from Spiral Rain. Living two hours from Montreal and almost that far from Quebec City, Rani Guillemette began purchasing monthly subscription boxes to acquire tools to practice her Craft, only to realize she could make them and, in the process, grow as a person. “I love doing research, I love helping others and I love witchcraft,” she said. Spiral Rain was born November 1, 2018; two months later it was officially online. Since then she has put together two sets of themed boxes, each with 12 categories. This review…
Season of Tender Roots: Belonging – An Excerpt from ‘Seasons of Moon and Flame’ by Danielle Dulsky
Season of Tender Roots: Belonging An Excerpt from ‘Seasons of Moon and Flame’ by Danielle Dulsky As a young woman, beloved witch, author, and teacher Danielle Dulsky found refuge, nurturance, and wisdom when visiting her grandmother’s rustic home. Next to the fire of the winter hearth and sitting outside with the wildflowers of spring, her anorexic body was loved and fed, her racing thoughts were slowed, and she received a maternal support she did not have in any other part of her life. These visits with Grandmother Grace were the seeds that eventually grew into Danielle’s deepening exploration into the Sacred Hag archetype and the wisdom that these elder…
Book Review – The Witch’s Book of Love: Hundreds of Magical Ways to Attract and Strengthen Love by Mary Shannon
Book Review The Witch’s Book of Love Hundreds of Magical Ways to Attract and Strengthen Love by Mary Shannon 256 Pages If Mary Shannon’s last chapter had been her first, it would have been a very different book. The Witch’s Book of Love presents tools, tips, solutions and spells to help any love quest. Introducing numerology – the metaphysical study of numbers – Shannon explains their potential significance. With the understanding “[e]verything in the universe is made up of some form of energy,” that means numbers do as well. The life path, destiny, soul urge and personality numbers give a profile of your personality. The meaning of each…
Book Review – The Moon + You: Your Guide to Finding Energy, Balance and Healing with the Moon by Diane Ahlquist
Book Review The Moon + You Your Guide to Finding Energy, Balance and Healing with the Moon by Diane Ahlquist 240 Pages This book review is for The Moon + You by Diane Ahlquist. Its a guide to finding energy, balance and healing with the power of the Moon. I gotta say the first thing I fell in love with was the design of the cover. It’s hard back and it’s a shiny glimmer silver and white with a purple inside binding. It’s really well done, they say never judge a book by its cover but its my favorite cover i’ve seen haha. This book has 240 pages.…
Teachings on the Path – Free Online Courses
Teachings on the Path Free Online Courses Many of us are unable to attend gatherings and continue with our studies in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to offer access to one course of your selection at no charge to you. There are some freebies on this site already, but this offer extends to those that have occurred as fee-based offerings. Teachings on the Path is the website that I use to maintain classes I have taught over the course of many, many years. These include Tarot, Astrology, Magickal Studies, Personal Work, the basics of Wiccan practice and more. Many of the courses are 4-6…
A Light Worker’s Guide to Dealing with Covid-19 All things that happen are created for a reason. As a light worker, I long ago realized that any difficulty in my own life was being brought in by the Creators to help me remember a fear I took in long ago, during a past life or my fall from heaven to earth, in order to heal it. Every global catastrophe is linked to cosmic fear archetypes, powerful spirit beings that brought very specific fears or shadows into all humanity during our long-ago descent through the seven heavens of the inner planes to earth. Covid-19 is no different. As these global…
Witch & Popcorn
Women and Spirituality: The Goddess Trilogy This is a 166 minute set of three DVD’s written and directed by the illustrious Donna Read. Before I get into the films, I want to introduce Read. I had no idea how influential she was until I read up on her just now. She has been making films for decades, and is a very important part of both the women’s movement, and goddess veneration. Her filmograhpy is listed here: Donna Read I am positively blown away by this woman’s illustrious career and contribution to indigenous and neo Pagan topics as well as women’s issues. The respect I feel for our…