• Monthly Columns

    Retha’s Crystal Reflections

    The Magic of Azurite     I have been wanting to write about azurite for some time, as it’s such an important crystal it deserves its own moment. Azurite is one of the most potent and intense stones you can work with. So strong that Edgar Cayce credits azurite with being instrumental in aiding his many visions and predictions! This crystal will make itself known and stand out from the rest of your crystal tools as you start to work & focus on your psychic potential. To learn all about this truly amazing gem, read on!     Azurite is a deep blue copper carbonate mineral with a porous appearance.…

  • Monthly Columns

    Spiritual Gaslighting: Structures that Prevent It (Part 2)

    (art by Kathleen Dalrymple)     In…2020, we may feel as if the world comes to a halt. This huge global crossroad polarizes the forces of humanitarian consciousness and goodwill, for one, versus ancient and outdated forces of control, manipulation, and abuse of power, on the other hand. The fight can be fierce! One of the most noticeable changes we may observe is that in the coming few years, we’ll see more and more individuals taking full responsibility for their role within the society, living in harmony with one another and with the environment. This is how globally humankind will graduate from the state of teenager/young adult to a fully…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary: Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred Medicine Making by Marysia Miernowska

    Book Review The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred Medicine Making by Marysia Miernowska 224 Pages     If you want to learn to love the land and feel Earth love you back, “The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary: Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred Medicine Making” is a must read. It doesn’t take long to realize Marysia Miernowska regards Earth as Lover and nature as the Beloved, and that everything is sacred. In a gentle, wise manner, she offers practices, rituals and recipes to ride the regenerative currents of nature following the Wheel of the Year, starting with…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Backwoods Witchcraft: Conjure & Folk Magic from Appalachia by Jake Richards

    Book ReviewBackwoods WitchcraftConjure & Folk Magic from Appalachiaby Jake Richards 211 Pages   ”It’s just what the old folks did,” author Jake Richards wrote in his book, “Backwoods Witchcraft: Conjure & Folk Magic from Appalachia.” He explains, “The old-timers have always been superstitious when it comes to ghosts, lightening, death, witches, and curses. Basically, everything that could threaten their livelihood. … These remedies and charms are tradition, and you aren’t supposed to question them. No one does.” Richards grew up in the valleys below Buffalo and Roan Mountain in East Tennessee. His family was mostly farmers in Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina – some going back three hundred years. Most…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Mirror of Magic by Kurt Seligman

    Book ReviewThe Mirror of MagicA History of Magic in the Western Worldby Kurt Seligman Original Copyright date 1948 512 Pages   Mirror of Magic is a comparative religion book. It starts with Mesopotamia and goes all the way to the 18th century. I’m one of those people that I make lots of notes whenever I’m reading a book. So, with this book, I’ve made like seven pages of notes. I made a note of, in Mesopotamia, when it talks about how the Gods were reminded of the misfortune of mortals. Back in Mesopotamia, there is no moral distinction between good or bad, or light and dark; spiteful forces could live…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Pagan Portals: Sun Magic by Rachel Patterson

    Book ReviewPagan Portals Sun Magic by Rachel Patterson 144 Pages   “I think sometimes as a witch the moon tends to get pride of place andthe sun perhaps takes a back seat? But it is an incredibly powerfulsource of natural energy and magic.”1. Sun Magic by Rachel Patterson provides a fresh perspective on putting the Sun and solar energies into the same place of interest and mystery that the moon has typically held in practicing the craft. The book reads easily and is parceled out into bite-size pieces. The contents read like a table of correspondences for the sun and each chapter is only a few pages in length. Ms.…

  • Reviews

    Interview With Anujj Elviis & Review of Indian Traditional Wicca

      Bright Blessings! When my editor told me I had the chance to interview a fellow Wiccan who is in India, I was so excited! I enjoyed our conversations to make this article happen, and I had the chance to review his pages. His name is Anujj Eliivs and he is in Dehra Dun, India. Originally from New Delhi, and raised Xtian, he’s one of us, active in his community, running a Coven, doing volunteer work, administrating Pagan web pages, and is also a busy professional! Whew! I forgot to ask if he ever sleeps! I will provide links you can view yourself! First, in 2017, Ben Wright did a…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Daily Oracle: Seek Answers from Your Higher Self by Jerico Mandybur

    Book Review Daily Oracle Seek Answers from Your Higher Self byJerico Mandybur 368 Pages     I was blessed to receive a copy of the book “Daily Oracle” by Jerico Mandybur to read and try out. This hardback book was illustrated by Jenny My Duvet. Published in 2019 by Hardie Grant Books. There are 368 pages but the pages aren’t numbered. It’s a very thick, meaty little book. The pages are all in black and white and it has a very cohesive look. The illustrations are minimal but very beautifully done. I enjoy the overall aesthetic of this book.     This is a book yes…but it’s really an Oracle.…

  • Reviews

    Oracle Deck Review – Whispers of the Ocean Oracle Created by Angela Hartfield & Illustrated by Ekaterina Golovanova

    Oracle Deck Review Whispers of the Ocean Oracle Created by Angela Hartfield Illustrated by Ekaterina Golovanova 124 Pages     The Whispers of the Ocean Oracle is an Oracle deck created by Angela Hartfield, renowned medium and spiritual intuitive and creator of several other Oracle decks, and illustrated by Ekaterina Golovanova, talented Russian artist, designer and illustrator, and is published by Blue Angel Publishing, 80 Glen Tower Drive, Glen Waverly, Victoria, Australia 3150. The Whispers of the Ocean Oracle comes in a 4¾” x 6½” sturdy cardboard box with a matte color image of one of the cards on the front and 8 card samples and a bit of information…

  • Monthly Columns

    The Bee – An Excerpt From Pagan Portals: Celtic Witchcraft by Mabh Savage

    The following includes an excerpt from Pagan Portals: Celtic Witchcraft by Mabh Savage   An animal that has had many sacred associations throughout the aeons, yet is mentioned all too infrequently in Celtic texts, is the bee. We know the Celts ate honey and drank mead, so they must have had skill with bees, yet it is rarely written of by the scholars of the middle ages who gave us most of the Celtic literature we now refer to. The bee is a dangerous animal that simply needs to be respected. Yes, a bee can sting you and undoubtedly it will hurt. It can even kill, if you are sensitive…