• Spells & Rituals

    Earth Protection Spell an Excerpt from the Book ‘Modern Wicca: Beliefs and Traditions for Contemporary Life’ by Rowan Morgana

    Earth Protection Spell Excerpt from the Book ‘Modern Wicca: Beliefs and Traditions for Contemporary Life by Rowan Morgana       Intention: To invite the elemental Earth spirits to live in your garden to protect and nurture it. Protecting a small part of your own garden counts toward the greater good of protecting and healing Earth. If every- one takes care of their little corner of land, a wave of Earth-healing may begin. This spell is best done under the light of the full moon.         What You’ll Need: 1 very large stone Dried lavender and thyme Gold, red, blue and green ribbons each about 12 inches…

  • Monthly Columns

    A Woman’s Moon Center’s: A Key to Physical and Emotional Bliss

    A Woman’s Moon Center’s A Key to Physical and Emotional Bliss   While this particular column is not about a specific Goddess, it is about one more way that we can connect with Her through the moon and with our bodies. Right now, the world is in crisis due to COVID-19 and we need to use every tool at our disposal to keep ourselves safe and healthy, both physically and emotionally.     It is no secret that women are emotionally and psychically connected to the moon. It is no coincidence that more and more women are calling our periods, our moontime. In ancient times, before the advent of fluorescent…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Grimoire of Aleister Crowley: Group Magick Rituals by Rodney Orpheus

    Book Review Grimoire of Aleister Crowley Group Magick Rituals by Rodney Orpheus 320 Pages     I have read four books on Aleister Crowley. To me, he has been this mythical person that I had heard of since I was a kid. I’ve wondered if the people writing about him are just writing to get published, or is there something that I am missing in their books. Most books I felt that I was having to struggle to get through or stay awake while reading. I am now looking into reading more of Lon Milo DuQuette’s works, after reading the forward he wrote for Rodney Orpheus’ book: Grimoire of Aleister…

  • Spells & Rituals

    Self-empowerment and Charisma Spell to Create Your Own Future Book Excerpt from Knot Magic by Sarah Bartlett

    Self-empowerment and Charisma Spell to Create Your Own Future Book Excerpt from Knot Magic by Sarah Bartlett     It’s hard these days to know what we truly want for our future, isn’t it? This spell will not only empower you with charisma and self-confidence, but enable you to create the future you truly desire right now.   WHAT YOU WILL NEED 5 gold rings 5 lengths of gold-colored ribbon or cord   WHEN TO CAST SPELL Morning   On a very sunny morning, lay the five gold rings in a circle, either outside in full sunlight or in a very sunny place indoors. Take the five lengths of ribbon…

  • Monthly Columns

    Earth-based Tools for Allaying Emotion Contagion

      Emotions are…older than spoken language, and simply put, they are smarter than words, they’re deeper than any technique, and they can help you in ways you cannot imagine…Emotions are not created out of thin air, and they’re not created by your thoughts (emphasis mine); emotions have evolved over millions of years to help you understand and respond to the world. Emotions exist within you, and they are evoked, not created, by specific stimuli. -Karla McLare   Recently, I was traveling and watching the news from one of the busiest airports in the United States when I saw that the World Health Organization had declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. As…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Find Your Mantra: Inspire and Empower Your Life with 75 Positive Affirmations by Aysel Gunar

    Book Review Find Your Mantra Inspire and Empower Your Life with 75 Positive Affirmations by Aysel Gunar 144 Pages   The book is a small hardback of 144 pages, the illustrations and colors are beautiful, vibrant, and soothing. The introduction discusses the writer’s bracelet brand which is cool because the whole thing is inspired by the authors son and the drive to be more “in the moment”. Aysel Gunar the author declares the book will be “short, sweet, and to the point.” I agree, the book was definitely short and sweet, but also basic. The book is broken into five sections, peace, love, happiness, strength, and journey. Each chapter showcasing…

  • Crafting Articles

    Create an Inspired Vision Board – Excerpted from the Book ‘Finding Your Higher Self’ by Sophie Saint Thomas

    Create an Inspired Vision Board from ‘Finding Your Higher Self’ by Sophie Saint Thomas 1 HOUR Benefits: Visualization can lead to manifestation. When you create a physical visual reminder of your desires, especially one that you put time and effort into, you’ll be inspired to make the moves needed to accomplish those dreams.   How does cannabis help? Cannabis aids in creativity, and asks you to dream big. Using cannabis while creating a vision board not only makes the activity more fun but produces a more fruit­ful outcome, as you are more likely to use your imagination.   HOW TO Pick up your supplies. To create a vision board, you…

  • Monthly Columns

    Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light

    Starting Your Book of Shadows: Part Three Some Docs To Get You Going And Some Time In Magickal Contemplation   Last month we discussed and enacted a ritual of dedication for your Book of Shadows. Now you are ready to begin filling it with your goodies. This month I’m going to give you some traditional writings that you may want to include in your BOS. (photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash) Begin with your own writing. Spend some time thinking about how you would like your BOS to serve your growth. What “mission” will it serve as part of your journey? Is there a specific Deity that you would like…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Hidden Goddess: The Quest for the Divine Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition-from Asherah to Mary Magdalene by Laurie Martin-Gardener

    Book Review The Hidden Goddess The Quest for the Divine Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition-from Asherah to Mary Magdalene by Laurie Martin-Gardener 104 Pages   Evidence of Goddess worship goes back 25,000 years. In this book, Laurie Martin-Gardner presents well-researched evidence of the goddess’ wide worship among early Hebrew people citing archaeological and Biblical evidence. In the 1970s, evidence came to light that began to show that the mother Asherah was honoured alongside the father Yahweh. Although this evidence remains highly contested among traditional Hebrew scholars that view Yahweh as the one and true god, this makes sense when linked with what we know about ancient Hebrews who saw life…

  • Spells & Rituals

    Defense Against Social Media Overload: Excerpted from Protection Spells by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

    Defense Against Social Media Overload Excerpted from Protection Spells by Arin Murphy-Hiscock     Social media is a blessing in that it helps you stay in touch with friends and meet people from all over the world, but the flip side is that you are exposed to a constant barrage of disturbing news, arguments, hatred, and causes. Apart from reducing your social media use or limiting the kinds of accounts you follow, try this spell to help protect yourself from the onslaught of emotion that comes with social media use.   What You Need: Pale blue candle and candle holder Matches or lighter Quartz crystal   What to Do: Center…