• Monthly Columns

    Witch Hunt

      There are witches all around us. You can find them anywhere… The Witch on Wheels has been documenting her findings.   Meet Monica Cox As a Sagittarius born in the Year of the Dragon, Monica Cox is very much a fiery witch whom I met at a Beltane festival. “Dragons are just fun. I like the big, fat, ‘Puff the Magic Dragon,’ cute, fluffy ones. I have to be very careful to have a lot of water around me because I have a very fiery personality. And earth. Earth grounds me so well,” she said of her 170-acre farm, her 45 animals and the mountains surrounding them all. “We…

  • Crafting Articles

    Pixie Witch Kitchen

    Pixie Witch Mango Salsa Today we are going to make a really yummy mango salsa. Its a bit different from the traditional mango salsa and so simple to make. You can eat it as a salsa with some corn chips especially the hint of lime corn tortilla chips, the flavors are amazing together. It is also delish served over fish or on the side of chicken. I made BBQ chicken with mine and served it on the side. It has only 6 simple ingredients and only takes about 10 mins to prepare. Ingredients 1 Mango peeled and diced 3-4 Small Tomatoes, diced 3-4 TBSP. Cilantro, cut up 1/2 Yellow Onion,…

  • Crafting Articles

    WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches – Nature Weaving

    Nature Weaving Merry meet. Every season has its gifts. Exploring nature and responsibly collecting its offerings will provide materials both to decorate your altar and to make a Nature Weaving to adorn your sacred space, a door, the corner of a room, a garden, or a porch.     Options for a frame range from a Y-shaped branch to a large picture frame. Using hemp cord, twine, string or yarn, tie one and to a corner or end. Wrap the cord twice around the stick or frame; keeping it taut, bringing the cord to the opposite side, again wrapping it twice around before continuing from side to side, keeping it…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Manifestation Journal by Amy E. Chace

    Book Review The Manifestation Journal by Amy E. Chace 208 Pages     I was sent a copy of “The Manifestation Journal” by Amy E. Chace to review. This book is a hybrid of a journal, planner and sketchbook. It was published by Red Feather Mind, Body, Spirit, of Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. It is a hardback book, about 6 inch by 9inch. Amy includes her own illustrations throughout this book.  This book is described by the author as a “journal, a sketchbook, a planner, but mostly it’s a fun collaboration between you and me”. It has very little text and is mostly blank or patterned pages with her artwork adorning…

  • Monthly Columns

    As Above So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts) 2nd Edition

    How to Cook Cliché     What is the nature of reality?   As Morpheus from The Matrix describes, if real is what we experience with our senses, then it’s simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. As Plato describes in Allegory of the Cave, you can only postulate at what the universe really is by deductive logic based on the very limited sensory data interpreted by the brain.    This isn’t a new thought.   What is new is now we have scientific evidence that the universe may be nothing more than a simulation.   We’ve been indoctrinated by surface physics. That is to say, our entire interpretation of…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – In Focus Reflexology: Your Personal Guide by Tina Chantrey

    Book Review In Focus Reflexology Your Personal Guide by Tina Chantrey 144 Pages     In Focus Reflexology: Your Personal Guide, by Tina Chantrey, published by Wellfleet Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group, 142 West 36th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018. I am reviewing a digital version of the book made available by the publisher via NetGalley, so my personal descriptions are a bit limited. Amazon lists this book as a hard cover, showing an image on the front cover of the bottom of the feet with reflexology zones outlined, and a brief description of reflexology on the back cover. The digital book contains 144 pages with…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Pagan Portals: Seeking the Primal Goddess-The Magic and Mystery of the Hearth Fire by Mélusine Draco

    Book Review Pagan Portals Seeking the Primal Goddess The Magic and Mystery of the Hearth Fire by Mélusine Draco 96 Pages     The opportunity to review this book peaked my curiosity due to my recently growing interest in studying ancient goddess cultures within European traditions from historical, anthropological, and archaeological lenses. Draco’s book is an interesting blend of locating the goddess across history as well as in modern pagan practices. I especially enjoyed the sections on the hearth fire’s connection with the goddess and–in my interpretation of this section–an undercurrent of feminism that has endured through the ages. The images that sprung to my mind of women tending sacred…

  • Reviews

    Oracle Deck Review – The Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba

    Oracle Deck Review The Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elisabeth Alba     The Everyday Witch Oracle, published by Llewellyn Publications, a Division of Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989, is created by Deborah Blake (who also created the Everyday Witch Tarot), with art by Elisabeth Alba. This is an Oracle deck containing 40 cards with witch and magic-themed images. The Everyday Witch Oracle comes in a sturdy 4 1/4” by 6” box with a matte color finish. The front of the box has a full color card image and the name of the deck; the back of the box has a description of the…

  • Monthly Columns


    Meet the Gods: Lugh     The Celts, who lived in central Europe, worshipped Lugh (or Lug) as their Sun god. He is one of the most prominent gods from Irish mythology with many skills including fierce warrior, master craftsman, harpist, poet, and king. Fulfilling a prophecy, he grew up to kill his grandfather, Balor, the god of the underworld. Lugh (pronounced Loo) is associated with the festival of Lughnasadh (pronounced Loo-NA-sah), which bears his name. It is celebrated as the first harvest – traditionally August 1 – by those who keep the tradition alive. Astrologically, it falls on August 6, 2020.     He is depicted as a tall,…

  • Crafting Articles

    WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches – Gratitude Tree

      Merry meet. Making a gratitude tree is a timely craft for Mabon or Thanksgiving, and it’s something the whole family can do. Start by finding one branch or several small ones to place in a vase or other container that is weighted with rocks, sand, etc. to keep it from tipping. Cut leaves out of paper in fall colors. On each, write something for which you are thankful. To hang on the branch, punch a hole and tie one end to the leaf and the other to the branch. You can also tape the thread to the leaf.     To use real leaves, write on them with a…