
Book Review – Reiki Plain and Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need by Philip Jones

Book Review

Reiki Plain and Simple

The Only Book You’ll Ever Need

by Philip Jones

Publisher: Hampton Roads

144 Pages

Publication Date: 1/01/2018



The title Reiki Plain and Simple sums up this book perfectly. This is a short, easy read perfect for anyone interested in Reiki. The book starts with the history of Reiki. It then discusses the precepts of Reiki, attunements, hand positions for healing self and others, twenty-one-day cleanse and finally the three degrees of Reiki. In short, this book is a summary of Reiki without giving all of the secrets of Reiki away.

I enjoyed this book. I actually ended up reading it twice with some time in between. Having been trained to Reiki Level II, I wasn’t sure I would learn anything from this book that I didn’t already know. I was pleasantly surprised that I did learn new information.

During my training, I became aware that you can self-treat with Reiki. I was not aware of the twenty-one-day cleanse where you treat yourself for an hour a day for twenty-one days. Even if you have not received a first-degree Reiki attunement, it is possible to work on healing yourself using the techniques and hand positions provided in the book. The book contains well written descriptions and photographs of the Reiki hand positions that you can refer to in order to do self-practice. While I feel it is vital for a Reiki practitioner to receive attunements in order to become and call oneself a healer; I believe it is possible to work on healing yourself without being trained or attuned. This book is the perfect introduction to doing such. By reading Reiki Plain and Simple and using the hand positions in this book, any seeker could be able to practice Reiki on themselves and begin the self-healing process. My thoughts are rooted in the reality that Reiki is the life force energy and it seeks to heal all who utilize it. There is no error in inviting healing energy into your life. While I support Reiki self-practice, I advise that you wait to utilize Reiki on others until you are trained and attuned by a Reiki teacher.

Another piece of information that was new to my learning was in regards to Japanese Reiju Empowerments. These empowerments are similar to attunements, but are more traditional to the Japanese art of Reiki. Mr. Jones speaks more about the empowerments in his book.

If you are interested in learning about Reiki or are considering becoming a Reiki practitioner, Reiki Plain and Simple is the first book you should consider reading.

Mr. Jones has studied yoga, Reiki, and other healing therapies for well over 10 years. He currently teaches yoga in Sheffield in England.


Reiki Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need (Plain & Simple Series) on Amazon


About the Author:

Tammy Andrews is a beginner in the area of all matters related to Wicca and witchcraft. She is interested in many areas of natural spiritual practice including the use of incense and oils, pendulum divination, oracle cards, and crystals. She is Reiki I certified with plans to obtain further Reiki levels. With her love of learning and reading, she is excited to join PaganPagesOrg as a book reviewer. Tammy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker employed in a community agency that provides counseling and case management services to clients who live with serious mental illnesses and addiction issues. The power of human survival and resilience never ceases to amaze her. She views social work as her passion and life calling. Tammy resides in CT with her husband, who is her greatest supporter, her cat and her dogs. She has enjoyed the opportunity to assist in the nurturing of her step-son to become a prospering young adult.

Tammy and her husband spend many Summer weekends at their cabin in VT where she loves the opportunity to renew her spirit in the peace and solitude of the trees. You can contact Tammy via email at [email protected]