Book Review – Trees Are Our Letters: A Creative Appointment with Nature’s Communicators by Carol Day
Book Review
Trees Are Our Letters:
A Creative Appointment with Nature’s Communicators
by Carol Day
Publisher: Moon Books / John Hunt Publishing Ltd.
136 Pages
Release Date: March 1, 2023
Trees are our Letters. The book title tells us that there is a story to be told by trees. There are many testimonials at the beginning of the book that speak to the magical connection we have with trees. These testimonials speak to how this book can help to enhance our inner sight, spirituality, and healing. By connecting with nature and trees we can create within ourselves a sense of steady grounding and become more centered.
Trees are our Letters is organized in ten chapters – each chapter listing one tree species. The foreword speaks to how our bodies feel and react to being in nature. More particular how our senses and energies are impacted when we are surrounded by trees. How we can use all our senses so that our bodies can fully benefit from the energy of the trees.
When reading through the introduction this theme is repeated. The structure of the book is explained in detail including how each chapter is organised. Each chapter/tree species is intended to be your teacher. The introduction goes on to talk about alignment with the energy of the tree, how to engage all of your senses to fully connect with the energies of the trees. I am excited to read on!
With high anticipation, I read on to the first chapter. It is at this point however, where the content begins to feel fragmented. Instead of reading on to discover the spiritual attributes of the Sycamore, I find myself reading about the historical origins of the tree; the scientific details and botanical information about the species…this is not the information I was expecting to be revealed to me. At the end of the chapter I find questions that are helpful to help me to tune into the energy of the Sycamore. However I feel at a loss as I had anticipated that the content of Chapter One would be helpful to me in answering these questions. It was not.
Perhaps the second chapter will be different, perhaps after the origins and botanical information there will be additional details around how to connect to the spiritual energy of the species. But it is structured in the same way as the first chapter.
Although it has been well researched and the book has been written in an extremely organized and consistent manner, for me, it felt like something was missing. The material presented in each chapter was not what I was expecting based on the testimonials, foreword and the introduction.
Perhaps I need to use more abstract thinking to connect the material of the chapter to the spiritual connection with the tree. Perhaps I am looking for too much guidance and missed the intent of the book.
About the Author
Carol Day
Carol Day is a holistic artist who works by attuning with the natural cycles of nature’s creative flow. Her work is about bringing back models to restore inclusiveness and connection by listening to the earth’s calling. As a young person, Carol was interested in communication and creative energy. She decided the best way to understand creative energy was to be it and she continues to hold this premise. She has been leading programmes that help many more people and places to realise their full visionary and creative potential.
Trees Are Our Letters on Amazon
About the Author:
Linda Bischoff
For as long as she can remember Linda has wanted to help people find joy and beauty in their lives. She recalls that some of her happiest childhood memories were of exploring nature’s playground on the farm in rural Manitoba where she grew up.This provided her with the foundation and understanding of how natural elements impact our well being.
Her business, Avalon Lane Studio, focuses on creating meaningful connection with the environment. Linda combines her knowledge of Interior Design, Biophilia and Feng Shui to help create balance and harmony in homes and workspaces.She lives in Halton Hills, Ontario. Visit Linda at and follow her on @avalonlanestudio.