Monthly Columns

Poetry – Lúnasa


We come to eat, we come to play

To revel in the joy of the sun

The heat of the height of the year

The Solstice has come and gone.

We bring in the first grains

And pick first fruits to share

We store away for later months

We pickle and prepare.

And while we feast and compete

We honour those who came before

By being better

Being kinder

Being something more

For this green and graceful world

Fragile in some ways

But She’ll go on after us

Nature stays, always stays…

Let us hold the sun in our hearts

Let us give space for the wild

Let us give freely to those in need

No hungry mouths; no hungry child

Let us honour the world we can’t see

The dangerous and bright;

Spirits on the hot, dusty wind,

Neighbours in the night.


*Image credit: Photo by Jordan Stewart on Unsplash.



About the Author:

Mabh Savage is a Pagan author, poet and musician, as well as a freelance journalist and content creator. She’s a nature-based witch, obsessed with Irish and British Paganism and Folklore, plus she’s a massive plant nerd. She’s also a long-time Hekate devotee and a newbie Lokean. She works extensively with the UK Pagan Federation, including editing their bi-annual children’s magazine. Mabh is a passionate environmentalist and an advocate for inclusiveness and positive social transformation.

Mabh is the author of A Modern Celt: Seeking the Ancestors,  Pagan Portals – Celtic Witchcraft: Modern Witchcraft Meets Celtic Ways, and most recently, Practically Pagan: An Alternative Guide to Planet Friendly Living. Search “Mabh Savage” on Spotify and @Mabherick on all socials.