Poetry – Exclusive for PaganPagesOrg by Mabh Savage ‘Summer’s Last Hurrah
An exclusive poem for PaganPagesOrg by Mabh Savage celebrating the last heady days of Summer before the Autumn Equinox and the final harvests, via the wanderings of a lone witch. I say hi to the crows Perched on slate roofs Raucously gossiping I admire the bees Purposeful in purple Claiming the lavender I dodge the ants Single minded march Carrying more than I I nod to the magpies Superstition on wings Black and white made grey I shiver in the breeze Late summer caress A promise of fall (But someone to catch) I sigh in the sun Warm honey-pour bright The last, loving light…
Road to Runes
Two Runes Together In the last issue of PaganPagesOrg, we looked at the power of a single rune reading. As I learn the runes myself, slowly it has to be said, I love to look at the different ways the runes can be read together. Just as a single rune can give a fast, intuitive answer to a simple question or circumstance, two runes together could provide either more detail or perhaps two polarized viewpoints on the same situation. Ways to Draw Two Runes There are plenty of different ways to either draw runes yourself or get them drawn and explained by an experienced reader. You can purchase physical…
Witch & Popcorn
Review of The Best of Enemies Bright Blessings, Film Lovers! At age 47, I thought I had seen it all when it came to movies. The last thing that was a completely new idea that I have seen is The Human Centipede, which, yes, I loved it and also parts 2 and 3. A film I watched today showed me that I have not seen it all and I can’t express how happy I am about that. Watching the film about the ex KKK leader and a black civil rights leader and how they teamed up to fight segregation was something completely new to me. It earned…
Stellar Applications
Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications Welcome to this issue’s Stellar Applications…. In this issue of PaganPagesOrg we are celebrating the Autumnal Equinox (aka. Mabon), the Second Harvest of the Fall. The Autumnal Equinox heralds the start of new beginnings that take the form of returns to school, planning for the upcoming holiday seasons, cooler weather and the bounty of beauty that surrounds in nature with the kaleidoscopic falling of leaves. This year’s date of the Equinox is Sat., Sept. 23rd @ 2:50am (EDT). If we look to the astronomical energies that are occurring we celebrate the space of balance between the waning light of the year…
Living the Oily Life
Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is another main stay in my oil arsenal. Tea tree or melaleuca is known for its cleansing and purifying properties. The plant tea tree oil is derived from is found in Australia. Aboriginal people would apply the leaves of the plant directly to their skin to help cool it in the scorching sun. The oil is extracted from the leaves of the plant and for purposes of collection steam and pressure distillation are used to gather the oil. This oil is used world wide in everything from cleaning, to hair and skin care. Having issues finding a toner that works well on your skin?…
Book Review – Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path: The Dance of Darkness and Light in Our Search for Awakening by Connie Zweig, PhD
Book Review Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path: The Dance of Darkness and Light in Our Search for Awakening by Connie Zweig, PhD Publisher: Park Street Press 304 Pages Publication: May 23, 2023 If you are seeking a book about the “how to” of doing personal shadow work Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path: The Dance of Darkness and Light in Our Search for Awakening by Connie Zweig, PhD is not the book for you. If, however, you are committed to cutting through the illusions that are thrown towards us by those who we consider to be within our circle of trust and the shadow they…
Book Review – Curse and Cure: Magic for Real Life by Sabrina Scott
Book Review Curse and Cure: Magic for Real Life by Sabrina Scott Publisher: Self-published 240 Pages Release Date: September 6, 2022 Curse and Cure can be described as: “Written in the non-denominational and no bullshit, academic yet wildly approachable style Sabrina Scott is known for, this book will teach you all you need to know about getting started as a witch – all without any pushiness, gender essentialism, spiritual bypassing, and the idea that your practice needs to look like anyone else’s. From in-depth musings on cultural background and different types of ancestors, to extensive teachings on energy work, magical timing, and ritual, to reminders about magical ethics,…
Communing with the Essence
Cellular Communication — Our sensitivity provides us with a great gift. A gift of incredible sight that far exceeds our eyes. We see through our flesh, auric field, and biological, ancestral, and spiritual connection to the universal field of consciousness. In this web of Life there is infinite intelligence and we as humans are inherently plugged in. It’s through our biological birthright that our sensitivity gets restored and we find our rightful place as living Beings with our planet Earth, Galactic Milky Way, and beyond. Like a seed, it is my understanding that we grow deep into the Dark Rich Soil of the Earth to grow above and beyond…
Learning Lunar: Moon Magic and Mystery
First Quarter, The Waxing Half Moon The 2023 Autumn Equinox falls late on the 22nd or early on the 23rd September, depending on exactly where you are in the world. This year, the Equinox begins while the moon is an almost perfect half, the first quarter phase. The Equinox is a time of balanced light and dark, so it feels very mystically charged to have the moon half lit and half in shadow, providing a physical and highly visible representation of this festival. What Does First Quarter Mean? The cycles of the moon are often referred to as quarters, with the second quarter also being the full…
Book Review – Culpeper’s Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpeper, Annotated by Dr. J.J. Pursell
Book Review Culpeper’s Complete Herbal By Nicholas Culpeper Annotated by J.J. Pursell Publisher: Andrews McMeel Pages: 384 Rerelease Date: October 2022 Nicholas Culpeper was an extraordinary figure of the 17th century. Frustrated with the lack of medicine and treatment available to those with no money, Culpeper, a fairly well-to-do gentleman, abandoned his studies at Cambridge University and went to become an apprentice at a London-based apothecary. From there, he set up his own pharmacy and went on to publish “The Complete Herbal” in 1652/53. This was despite twice being accused of witchcraft, tried, and acquitted. Culpeper went against the grain and didn’t let the authorities dissuade…