Book Review – Staff of Laurel, Staff of Ash: Sacred Landscapes in Ancient Nature Myth by Dianna Rhyan
Book Review Staff of Laurel, Staff of Ash: Sacred Landscapes in Ancient Nature Myth by Dianna Rhyan Publisher: Moon Books 192 Pages Release Date: June 1, 2023 In her attempt to convey her thoughts of how Ancient Nature Myth is reflected in our current landscape, Dianna begins to reference ancient myths early in the book. The prologue refers to and includes quotes from ancient gods. Several quotes and references to the ancient are repeated throughout the balance of the book. Dianna’s approach to articulate the synchronicities of these two worlds is to take us on a “hike” through the lands that she finds reminiscent of the…
Book Review – Awakening Osiris: The Spiritual Keys to the Egyptian Book of the Dead by Normandi Ellis
Book Review Awakening Osiris: The Spiritual Keys to the Egyptian Book of the Dead by Normandi Ellis Publisher: New Page Books 240 Pages Publication: June 2023 “…The Egyptian Book of the Dead is one of the oldest and greatest classics of Western spirituality. With Awakening Osiris, Ellis has transformed the ancient stories told through hieroglyphs for modern readers and approaches the Book of the Dead as a profound spiritual text capable of speaking to us today. These writings suggest that the divine realm and the human realm are not altogether separate; they remind us that the natural world—the substance of our lives—is fashioned from the stuff of the…
Jazz’s Gems
Carnelian Carnelian is a beautiful orange or red stone that is perfect for people who are going through, or wanting to boost a multitude of things. It can enhance your confidence and connect you with your true expressions. Not only that, but it can protect you against things like rage, fear and envy. Carnelian stimulates creativity and motivates you for success. This stone is believed to attract a flow of abundance and will restore vitality and motivation. It is a magnet for prosperity and good luck, and will infuse the body with light and life. Are you looking to embrace your inner child? Carnelian is the right stone for…
Jade Unboxes! Manifestation Box from Gogh Jewelry Design
Gogh Jewelry graciously sent us one of their monthly Manifestation Boxes to review in our Pages. It came in a simple, yet cute box. I like that they didn’t use a lot of paper, glitter, or other extras in the shipping department. In my opinion, I would rather the box and décor are simple, and the money better spent in product or material for the customer. The box consisted of a necklace, a bracelet, and a stone, as well as a handout on the theme for the month and your personal astrology for that month. The necklace (which was my favorite item in the box), was…
Book Review – A Spell A Day: 365 Easy Spells, Rituals and Magic for the Everyday by Tree Carr
Book Review A Spell a Day: 365 Easy Spells, Rituals and Magic for the Everyday By Tree Carr Publisher: Watkins 336 pages Publication Date: June 13, 2023 Tree Carr gives readers 365 spells and rituals in book form, organized by element. There are several ways to choose which spell to cast: by intention, chronologically, synchronized to magical and celestial dates, and using the divinatory art of bibliomancy by opening the book to a page at random. For each of the five elements – air, fire, water, earth, spirit – Carr presents spells for three new moons, three full moons, three solar returns, sabbats, and a collection…
Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body and Spirit
The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, will fall on September 23, 2023. It is the end of the harvest season and a time to reflect on what we have grown and gathered during this turn of the wheel or reap what you have sown. Because it is an equinox, it is also time to examine balance in your life. Balance is not something we achieve once and remains a constant. Our lives are fluid so the balance of the season of our life must be fluid. Many of us approach balance as something to be achieved and then it is completed. Balance is to be constantly reexamined because our…
What Are the Magickal Arts? … As magickal practitioners we are all “artists” in our own ways, honing our skills of creating magick, weaving patterns of energy that affect change and calling to the most Divine of our natures as we align with cosmos, greater earth and all of the many Beings that inhabit those realms. And, I like where this trend is taking us in exploring the craft in all of forms…. Mabon (aka. Autumnal Equinox) brings the opportunity for restoring harmony in our endeavors as we enjoy the second harvest. This issue we honor… Magickal Art of Tipping the Balance! As the Wheel of…
Good God!
Meet: Liber Liber may well have originated as a native Italian god of fertility, vegetation, and wine. He is also associated with intoxication and was known for throwing wicked parties. The Romans later merged his identity with that of the Greek god Dionysus. Like Dionysus, Liber represented uninhibited freedom and the subversion of the powerful. He was a patron deity of Rome’s plebeians – the largest, least powerful class of citizens – who rejected the civil and religious authority of the ruling class elite. Before being adopted as a Roman deity, Liber was a phallic deity and a companion to two different goddesses in two different archaic Italian fertility…
Book Review – Where Fairies Meet by Daniela Simina
Book Review Where Fairies Meet By Daniela Simina Publisher: Moon Books 96 Pages Release Date: June 1, 2023 Are Fairies real or just traveling mythological stories that mirror the cultural and religious beliefs present at their time? In this delightful and short read, Daniela Simina shares historical Romanian and Irish Fairielore, while allowing the space and pondering for the reader to decide for themselves where the evidence leads. Although stories are shaped by society and the stories evolve according to translation, the numerous accounts of Fairie encounters over human history makes one wonder how these stories have stood the test of time and continue to emerge even…
Notes from the Apothecary
Notes from the Apothecary: Anemones Whenever you hear the word “anemone” you’ll either imagine a gorgeous yet shy sea creature or a beautiful flower found both in the wild and in gardens all over the world. Of course, here in the Apothecary, we’re excited about the flowers! There are well over a hundred species of anemone, including Anemone blanda and Anemone nemorosa, both often referred to as wood anemones or the more evocative name, windflowers. Anemones are in the same family as buttercups (Ranunculaceae) and grow from bulbs or rhizomes, usually coming back year after year. In Europe, anemones are keepers of living history, in a way, as large…