The Lunar Box, from Sian Lewis Evans, Review & Video Unboxing!
You can View the Video Review on YouTube Here. The Lunar Box is available from Sian Lewis Evans and boxes start from £28 with a variety of subscription options available. For this review I got the chance to rummage through The Lunar Box, which comes from Multipassionate Entrepreneur and witch, Sian Lewis Evans. My first impression of the box was that it made me happy! I loved the packaging, with its positive affirmations and cute stickers. And, where does Sian get that galaxy tape? Brilliant. The Lunar Box contains a range of items connected to moon spirituality, and arrives either in time for the new…
‘Elemental Magick’ Book Excerpt from Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden
Elemental Magick What is elemental magick, and why is it relevant to intuitive witchcraft? In a nutshell, elemental magick works with and calls on the elements to manifest specific outcomes and goals. There’s not a single person who goes through their day without experiencing any of the elements. We may walk outside in the morning and feel a breeze, go for a walk and sense the heat of the sun on our skin. We could water our plants, or choose to compost/recycle. All of these experiences are simple ways that we experience (and sometimes take for granted) the elements, often without much pause. On the most basic level, we…
Notes from the Apothecary
Notes from the Apothecary Special: Five Antiviral Plants to Eat at Home *Disclaimer: Eating any amount of plants and herbs cannot protect you entirely from catching any sort of illness. Healthy eating is great and boosts your immune system but should complement, not replace, good hygiene, prescribed medication, and safe social distancing measures where appropriate. Take a holistic approach to your well-being and always follow guidelines from medical practitioners and qualified experts. Stay safe! Even prior to the current pandemic, there has been a lot of scientific research into what sort of plants might have significant antiviral properties. Antiviral plants are plants which help boost your body’s…
“Self-Love Ritual for When You Don’t Get It Right the First Time” An Excerpt from The Junior Witch’s Handbook by Nikki Van De Car
Fulfillment will never be achieved without some failure along the way. If it were easy, it wouldn’t be all that fulfilling, would it? Failure is an integral part of the process of reaching satisfaction and happiness. That doesn’t mean it’s a pleasant experience. Whenever we fail at something—and particularly when it’s something we really want to be good at—it hurts. We feel all kinds of emotions, and may decide that this failure along our journey means that we’re not good at this, that we’re never going to be good at this, and, sometimes, that’s there’s something wrong with us because we weren’t successful this time. Sometimes it helps to…
Notes from the Apothecary
Notes from the Apothecary: Jack by the Hedge I don’t get a huge amount of time to spend keeping my garden super tidy, but that’s ok, because I like it to run a little wild. Because of that, we get plants that come in from outside the garden, often spread by birds and small animals, or simply by seeds blown in on the wind. Once such plant which is a star of British verges and hedgerows is this lovely plant, pictured. It has many names, but my favourite one is Jack by the Hedge, Latin name Alliaria Petiolata. Jack by the Hedge is also called Garlic Mustard, or even Poor…
Pandemic: A Ceremony from the Universe
(art by Aman Dalal) What if the universe is trying to get us to slow down? To stop producing. To stay home and let the earth breathe a little without all the extra pollution we cause daily. To take a step back and realize how we really impact earth and one another. That we aren’t as significant or in control as we think we are. A virus can come through and wipe us all out but earth will still be here. We are all connected. Just like we can spread a disease, we can also spread love, kindness and positivity. Use this time for reflection of your contribution and…
Earth Protection Spell an Excerpt from the Book ‘Modern Wicca: Beliefs and Traditions for Contemporary Life’ by Rowan Morgana
Earth Protection Spell Excerpt from the Book ‘Modern Wicca: Beliefs and Traditions for Contemporary Life by Rowan Morgana Intention: To invite the elemental Earth spirits to live in your garden to protect and nurture it. Protecting a small part of your own garden counts toward the greater good of protecting and healing Earth. If every- one takes care of their little corner of land, a wave of Earth-healing may begin. This spell is best done under the light of the full moon. What You’ll Need: 1 very large stone Dried lavender and thyme Gold, red, blue and green ribbons each about 12 inches…
Self-empowerment and Charisma Spell to Create Your Own Future Book Excerpt from Knot Magic by Sarah Bartlett
Self-empowerment and Charisma Spell to Create Your Own Future Book Excerpt from Knot Magic by Sarah Bartlett It’s hard these days to know what we truly want for our future, isn’t it? This spell will not only empower you with charisma and self-confidence, but enable you to create the future you truly desire right now. WHAT YOU WILL NEED 5 gold rings 5 lengths of gold-colored ribbon or cord WHEN TO CAST SPELL Morning On a very sunny morning, lay the five gold rings in a circle, either outside in full sunlight or in a very sunny place indoors. Take the five lengths of ribbon…
Create an Inspired Vision Board – Excerpted from the Book ‘Finding Your Higher Self’ by Sophie Saint Thomas
Create an Inspired Vision Board from ‘Finding Your Higher Self’ by Sophie Saint Thomas 1 HOUR Benefits: Visualization can lead to manifestation. When you create a physical visual reminder of your desires, especially one that you put time and effort into, you’ll be inspired to make the moves needed to accomplish those dreams. How does cannabis help? Cannabis aids in creativity, and asks you to dream big. Using cannabis while creating a vision board not only makes the activity more fun but produces a more fruitful outcome, as you are more likely to use your imagination. HOW TO Pick up your supplies. To create a vision board, you…
Book Review – The Hidden Goddess: The Quest for the Divine Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition-from Asherah to Mary Magdalene by Laurie Martin-Gardener
Book Review The Hidden Goddess The Quest for the Divine Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition-from Asherah to Mary Magdalene by Laurie Martin-Gardener 104 Pages Evidence of Goddess worship goes back 25,000 years. In this book, Laurie Martin-Gardner presents well-researched evidence of the goddess’ wide worship among early Hebrew people citing archaeological and Biblical evidence. In the 1970s, evidence came to light that began to show that the mother Asherah was honoured alongside the father Yahweh. Although this evidence remains highly contested among traditional Hebrew scholars that view Yahweh as the one and true god, this makes sense when linked with what we know about ancient Hebrews who saw life…