Spells for the Craft: Peace Water Merry meet! Many of you are probably familiar with war water – typically made from iron nails or spikes left to rust in pond water along with another ingredient or two such as Spanish moss or wormwood. It’s used to drive away disruptive energy, and I have sprinkled it around the perimeter of my abode as a preemptive protective measure. Recently I learned of peace water. A hoodoo product, it brings peace, harmony, and gentleness to places, people or situations. It can create an energetic barrier, warding off negative entities and energies that would bring discord to your environment. It’s thought peace water draws…
Book Review – How to Become a Mermaid: Embodying the Elemental Energy of Water by Elyrria Swann
Book Review How to Become a Mermaid: Embodying the Elemental Energy of Water by Elyrria Swann Publisher: Destiny Books Publication Date: October 26, 2021 116 pages How to Become a Mermaid: Embodying the Elemental Energy of Water by Elyrria Swann is a great book to read if you are all about mermaids or if you feel connected to water more than any of the other elements. This book called to me because I love everything mermaid and I am drawn to water, have been since I was little, and I wanted to see what Elyrria had to teach. I was not disappointed. Elyrria explains that mermaids exist in…
Meet the Gods: Triton The son of the God and Goddess of the sea, Poseidon and Amphitrite, Triton (“try-ton”) is a demigod of the sea. A mighty merman, stories tell of him living with his parents in a golden palace deep in the sea. Because Poseidon fathered many children outside of marriage with both mortals and goddesses, Triton has as many as fifty half-siblings. Triton is said to be the father and leader of three thousand mermaids and three thousand tritons – creatures who were male or female with matted green hair who escorted the marine divinities wherever they wanted to go. “Their entire body was covered with…
She Who is All – Goddesses and The Divine Female
Nanshe (Photo Credit: wikipedia) Nanshe – Goddess of water, Goddess of fertility, Goddess of Prophecy, Goddess of Social Justice, Lady of the Storerooms. Nanshe was worshipped from the 3rd millennium BCE to the advent of Christianity, throughout the history of Mesopotamia. She was born to Enki, the God of wisdom, magic and water and Ninhursag, a Mother and Earth Goddess. Being most strongly associated with water, she is the Goddess of fishing. The fish is one of her symbols, as s symbol of life; her other symbol is the pelican, who sacrifices itself to feed her young. She is often depicted as a woman dancing above the water. Her…
Book Review – Water Magic: Elements of Witchcraft by Lilith Dorsey
Book Review Water Magic Elements of Witchcraft by Lilith Dorsey Llewellyn 288 Pages … Water is an element representative of your emotions, your hopes and your true vision. It occupies the space between inspiration and transformation like no other element does. One can use his energy to go with the flow and seek your own level of divine destiny… Water Magic: Elements of Witchcraft by Lilith Dorsey is the first book in a series by Llewellyn publishers dedicated to the alchemical elements. It is separated into Three (3) Parts and begins with the History, Folklore and Myth of alchemical/spiritual water. The remainder of the book flows from the…
Mabon Correspondences & Water Element Writing Ritual Excerpted from ‘The Ultimate Guide to the Witch’s Wheel of the Year’ by Anjou Kiernan
MABON September 21–24 (Southern Hemisphere: March 21–24) Pronunciation: MAB-bon Alternative Names: Autumn or Fall Equinox, Second Harvest, Harvest Home, Wine Harvest, Fruit Harvest, Witches’ Thanksgiving, Alban Elfid (Celtic) CORRESPONDENCES ALTAR DECORATIONS: Acorns, animal bones, apples, autumn leaves, balance scales, corn, cornucopia (horn of plenty), gourds, grapes and grapevines, pentacles, pine cones, pomegranates, poppies, root vegetables, seeds, sunflowers, wine ANIMALS: Blackbird, coyote, crow, duck, goat, goose, owl, raven, stag, squirrel, turkey, wolf CELEBRATIONS: Charity work, feasting, gathering, harvesting COLORS: Burgundy, burnt orange, dark green, eggplant, brown, gold DEITIES: Aphrodite/Venus, Dionysus/Bacchus, gods and goddesses of the underworld (Persephone/Kore/Proserpine, Demeter/Ceres, Hekate) (Greco-Roman); Modron and Mabon (Welsh) DIRECTION: West ELEMENT: Water FOOD…
Book Review – Magickal Mermaids & Water Creatures by D.J. Conway
Book Review Magickal Mermaids & Water Creatures by D.J. Conway 192 Pages As an author of dozens of books, D.J. Conway, who passed away in 2019, is well known to many of us who walk the Pagan path. The wisdom and knowledge in her books has guided many of us. “Magickal Mermaids & Water Creatures” is no different. Many of us are enchanted and identify with creatures of the deep, but most, especially mermaids, myself included. Ms. Conway starts with the basics: what are they and what are their secret powers – and powers they have!! The author introduces us to all manner of waterfolk, not just those that…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
Starting Your Book of Shadows: Part Three Some Docs To Get You Going And Some Time In Magickal Contemplation Last month we discussed and enacted a ritual of dedication for your Book of Shadows. Now you are ready to begin filling it with your goodies. This month I’m going to give you some traditional writings that you may want to include in your BOS. (photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash) Begin with your own writing. Spend some time thinking about how you would like your BOS to serve your growth. What “mission” will it serve as part of your journey? Is there a specific Deity that you would like…
Creating Sacred Space The Experience of Sacred Space makes possible the “founding of the world”: where the sacred Manifests itself in space, the real unveils itself, and the world comes into existence … Mircea Eliade … What is Sacred Space? Read and re-read the quote above. Take it into your space of meditation. Analyze, dissect and observe it from all angles, perspectives and meaning. Try to feel the weight and breath of its meaning and allow the words to gently wash over you. Digest it and then simply sit with the feeling of satiety its inner essence provides. And, once you have done these things, redo them, one by…
She Who is All – The Goddess of Ten Thousand Names
Sulis/Sul It is all one being ill being well It is all energy energy in constant motion energy in constant flux restless energy that is never still ruthless energy that acts like a steam roller boundless energy that brings possibilities sparkling energy that tickles and sings stored energy that waits for release The healing waters at my shrine regenerated revitalized brought clarity mended holes opened vision allowed flow with energy flowing the dance of life resumes illness and wellness all one all energy all flow (Image and Poem Credit: The Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky, Illustrated by Hrana Janto) Sulis is the ancient British Goddess of healing…