__________________________________________________________________________ Cover art: Beltane Goddess custom order created by artist Silvia of TheCosyGoddess Etsy shop. About the artist: Silvia is an artist, bellydancer, holistic dance teacher & mother of a little Pixie boy. Originally from Italy, she moved to Devon, Uk to follow her love. The beautiful nature & the powerful presence of Mother Earth in Devon’s hills & coasts and the love for everything that’s divine, spiritual & pagan related inspired her to transform her thoughts into art. She mostly creates with polymer clay but she also draws & paints. To see more of Silvia’s art, please visit her on her Etsy shop or Facebook page. __________________________________________________________________________ On the…
Dance as Catharsis
(Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash) Do you know what I’ve learned? That although ecstasy is the ability to stand outside yourself, dance is a way of rising up into space, of discovering new dimensions while still remaining in touch with your body. When you dance, the spiritual world and the [physical] world manage to coexist quite happily.” -From “The Witch of Portabello” by Paulo Coelho I was fortunate to grow up in a culture that valued dance. Every weekend, the whole extended family would get together at a relative’s house, eat together, socialize, and dance. After everyone had had time to chat and digest their food, we’d…
App Review: Simple Habit – Meditation for Busy People
App Review Simple Habit – Meditation for Busy People Once more into the world of meditation apps I wander! This time I’m exploring the benefits of Simple Habit, an app I’ve had for a while but only used very sporadically. Again, I started with the free version then looked to upgrade for more features. The app is normally about $6 a month for the full version, but you can invite friends to get limited time access to premium content, so I bugged my friends and family in order to get access to the good stuff. Just for you guys. Because I loves ya. The interface is less showy than the…
Crystal Connections
Book Review The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones – A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing by Uma Silbey Published by Skyhorse Publishing, and written by Uma Silbey, this 314 page book is hands down my favorite crystal book to date. From the moment the author described how the “Stone People” spoke to her, I was hooked. I nearly leapt for joy when she tells her readers to “hear” how the crystals want to be used rather than strictly going by a written definition. This is something I often tell my readers to do and reading that simply validated my own practice. This book isn’t…
Meet the Gods: Dagda (This illustration of Dagda was found on Pinterest. His cauldron, known as the Undry or the Cauldron of Plenty, provided infinite food and drink but never to a coward or an oath breaker. It was also said to revive the dead. One end of his enormous club could kill while the other end could give life.) Merry meet. The name of the Celtic god Dagda means “Good God.” He’s also known as Eochaid Ollathair, meaning “Eochaid the All-Father.” His name is typically proceeded by the article “the.” In the Celtic tradition, the Dagda is one of the leaders of a mythological Irish people, the Tuatha…
Going Shamanic Radio
“Going Shamanic” is hosted by Jennifer Engracio on P.A.G.E. Media Project’s blogtalk radio each month. The show focuses on how to integrate shamanism into every day life. Instead of relegating the spiritual aspect of ourselves to Sundays at church or weekend workshops, this show will support listeners in weaving ritual, prayer, magic, alignment with the Spiritworld and the Earth into their lives to enrich their experience of living. This Month Features Living Creativity with Michelle Darago. Join us as we explore what it means to have a life filled with creativity and how we can go about increasing our choices in life. Today Jen welcomes Michelle Darago for the theme of “Living Creativity“. Going Shamanic is…
Sacred Art Video
The Sacred Marriage in the Great Below Our soul’s craving for wholeness drives the unfoldment of all stories. A profound mystery teaching is found at the heart of a collection of myths from ancient Sumeria, such The Descent of Inanna and the sacred marriage of Ereshkigal and Nergal. The language may be archaic but the message is timeless: the sacred marriage between divine feminine and masculine principles is what animates and revitalizes the cosmos This phenomenon needs to occur within our own psyche (on the level of soul and archetypes) as much as in the world around us. I invite you to take a journey of initiation into these mysteries…
The Holy Grail
What is the Grail to you?! The Grail stands as a beacon of hope and wholeness in the midst of the Wasteland created by modern Western materialism. The potency of this symbol beckoning us back to living in harmony with both ourselves and the land around us is a myth very much of our time. It speaks directly to wholeness and connection and reminds us that to bring the Wasteland back to fertility and lush abundance we must return to the Source that nourishes it. Our modern Society and education systems gives us few really useful tools to take with us on the great journey of Life. We need knowledge…
The Road to Runes
The Road to Runes: Hagalaz, the Coming of Hail So, it was the turn of a different friend to pull a rune this time, and I wasn’t expecting it. On the spot divination, she pulled out the polished, burnt piece of hazel and looked at me quizzically. I had to admit to her that my studies had not taken me this far, and thus, my latest article was born. Pictured is the rune she pulled: Hagalaz, also known as Haglaz or Hagala. This rune literally means ‘hail’, and by what I have learnt, is a pretty fierce and somewhat scary rune to see in any divination. The Elder Futhark (the…
Gael Song
The Wild Rose of Druidry The Celtic path is unlike any other, unique in ways that mean so very much to me. The first blossom of this path is that it imposes absolutely no restrictions, except that one should not harm another (which seems like quite a sensible restriction to me!) In the Celtic pagan tradition, all paths are good, and everyone has total freedom to be, to wander into darkness and shadows, if one wishes, then out again into light. I searched for many years for a spirit tradition that would allow me the freedom I longed for, going through Congregational, Presbyterian, and Quaker phases over the past thirty…