The Promise
Move slowly and speak not a word And we may catch A glimpse of HIM yet. The night is dark But I have seen the Icy thread of HER cloak. Crystal blue eyes and Hair black as the midnight sky Grace a face of pale beauty Poised on a body that is tall and lithe. She has etched the night sky with Fingers long and fair painting starlight and Holding the breath of new dawn In HER hands’ cupped embrace. SHE has embraced the world In the longest of nights. HER Promise held deep within. The forest is hushed and white with snow. Ice crystals glisten round and all…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
Last month we began the exploration of what a BOS could be. This month I’d like to spend some time on ..Selecting the Perfect Book… (Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash) Let me begin by saying that I have MANY journals that have at one time or another served as my BOS. I have a tendency to begin using one journal that I especially like and multi-purpose it, allowing it to morph into whatever my needs happen to be at the time. When I move on to another focus, of course I also need a different journal/Book for those endeavors, and a new BOS is born. This…
December Full Oak Moon Tarot Spread
Hello, Brightest Blessings I wanted to share December’s Full Moon tarot spread the OAK MOON tarot Spread. December’s Full Moon Has several Names: COLD MOON, ELDERMOON, WOLFMOON, LONG NIGHT MOON, & COLDMOON. It’s that time of year when the temperature drops & we have frosty mornings. The holiday season is full of glory and snow starts to fall with the approaching winter solstice /Yule. As the Temps drop a beautiful white ice ring appears around the moon as she grows to full. We’re far away from big City lights In Rural Paris, Idaho. We can see the milky way, stars, & planets every night. You can use this spread anytime during the month of December for any lunar…
Book Review – The Mythic Journey: Use Myths, Fairy Tales and Folklore to Explain Life’s Mysteries by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman-Burke
Book Review The Mythic Journey Use Myths, Fairy Tales and Folklore to Explain Life’s Mysteries by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman-Burke 240 Pages This lovely collection of myths, fairy stories and folklore is brought to us by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman-Burke, who collaborated on The Mythic Tarot. It appears to be a re-working of the book originally published in 2000. The tales included continue to inform our psyches today as the authors see with the eye of the mythic imagination past form into the heart of being. The stories included in the book come from many cultures and traditions: Buddhism, the Old Testament, ancient Greece, Minoan Crete, Maori…
19-Days of Illuminated Darkness Course Offering
19-Days of Illuminated Darkness Winter Solstice 2019 December 21st @ 11:19p.m. (EST) Join me, once again, as we count down to the Winter Solstice and “19- Days of Illuminated Darkness”. What was begun as the veils of Samhain parted and the Witch’s New Year turned another cycle of the Great Wheel, continues as we welcome the Winter Solstice and the burgeoning of the Solar Light! Topics will include: … The deeper meaning of the Sabbat, consciousness, honoring and fueling the spark of the Divine within and more. And, a few bonus posts with new writings and experiences to enjoy. The countdown begins on Tuesday, December 3rd as the…
Book Review – Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft by Cyndi Brannen
Book Review Keeping Her Keys An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft by Cyndi Brannen 272 Pages It feels right to write this review in November (for December’s PaganPagesOrg), a month when Hekate is celebrated by many. Cyndi Brannen’s Keeping her Keys is an introduction to Modern Hekatean Witchcraft. It’s not just a book, but a workable course which leads to the possibility of self-initiation. One of my favourite things about this book is the “You do you” attitude. Although there are guides to how to do the work and how to connect with Hekate, there is no authoritarian overbearing message of exactly how to go about this. This book…
Book Review & Interview with Author – The Holly King and The Oak King: A Pagan Children’s Tale by J.C. Artemisia
Book Review & Interview with Author The Holly King and The Oak King A Pagan Children’s Tale by J.C. Artemisia 43 pages I was lucky to be sent a copy of “The Holly King and The Oak King- A Pagan Children’s Tale” by J.C. Artemisia to review. This is a children’s Pagan book, 43 pages long, and illustrated by Sarah A. Chase. I was so excited to read a Pagans children’s book, as its the first one I’ve had the pleasure of reading! I was also able to ask the Author some questions about her book! This is a beautiful book that tells the tale of the Holly King and…
Review of Buddha Gear – Planting the Seeds of Mindfulness
It was so much fun to receive this headband from Buddha Gear to review. Buddha Gear is Joy and Jason. Joy designs and sells hats, and has been for over 12 years. Jason is a guide and wellness coach, who has traveled extensively on his spiritual journey, wishing to help those experience their own spiritual awakening. Together, they have co-created Buddha Gear, a company making handmade, unique head gear such as headbands, beanies and hats. Putting their money where their mouths are, they donate a beanie to a homeless shelter for each one that is sold (go buy one!) Susan Morgain (SM): What was the impetus for starting this? Buddha…
Worth the Witch
Una Spirit Medicine Bundle “Dream Guidance” was the theme of the Una Spirit Medicine Bundle sent to customers in September. Its contents were selected to increase awareness of the gifts dream journeys offer. “This is a topic very dear to my heart,” said Alicia Franzen of Heart Path Creations. “I have always felt that no matter how much one doesn’t remember dreaming, we are all dreaming every night. … We don’t exercise this awareness enough. We are deeply connecting to the Spirit world through dreams. Dreams are a sacred time of coming back to our truth.” Dreams don’t happen to us, we actively engage with…
Book Review – Fairies Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need – An Introduction to The History and Mystery of Their Magical Realm by Ralph Harvey
Book Review Fairies Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need An Introduction to The History and Mystery of Their Magical Realm by Ralph Harvey 144 Pages This 144-page book opens with a beautiful piece of Poetry and then quickly moves into 3 parts. Part one consists of an Introduction to Fairies. The author goes over different versions of the term Faeries and tells a little about where the Fae come from, different classifications as well as different names they may go by depending on culture and region. From the beginning I noticed the photography though only in black and white, is beautiful and can be seen…