MagickalArts Video Edition
Sitting in Energy Welcome to this month’s video version of MagickalArts. This month we finish the series “Meditation for the Magickal Practitioner.” Join me as we take a look at some of the tools and considerations for adding a contemplative piece into your spiritual practice as a regular staple. We conclude this series with a special meditation to encourage Sitting in Energy. Enjoy! *** About the Author: Robin Fennelly is a Third Degree Initiate within The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition and serves as High Priestess of Coven of the Mystic Path, the 12th Coven within the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition. She teaches and facilitates classes for the Pagan Experience Study Group that serves…
Book Review – Medicine of the Imagination: Dwelling in Possibility: An Impassioned Plea for Fearless Imagination by Imelda Almqvist
Book Review Medicine of the Imagination Dwelling in Possibility An Impassioned Plea for Fearless Imagination by Imelda Almqvist Moon Books 440 Pages It was with great delight that I received Imelda’s latest book through the post. I’d been looking forward to this day. It was a day that should have come in a forest in Sweden, in June this year, but, alas, the world had other ideas. In August it was there, waiting for me upon returning from a morning’s swim adventures. It hadn’t fit in the post box at the end of our drive, this being a weightier tomb than Imelda’s previous offerings so our post person…
Book Review – Sucker Punch (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter) by Laurell K. Hamilton
Book Review Sucker Punch (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter) by Laurell K. Hamilton Berkley 624 Pages Sucker Punch was the eagerly awaited 27th book in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Novels. For those of you who are not familiar with Laurell K. Hamilton, she is an amazing writer of suspense, crime solving, and all things supernatural. In my opinion, one of the reasons she is able to continue to write these novels is that she has created a world in which her characters are “real” to those of us who have been with her all these years. As an avid fan, follower and supporter of this author and her…
Gael Song
A Druid’s Peace, Dealing with the Covid Blues So, this pandemic seems to go on and on, doesn’t it? I thought it would only be a couple of months at first but now it seems to be headed for a year or maybe more. Ugh! And cold weather that will make seeing friends even harder to do, plus forcing risk taking by going inside, is looming in the near future. So I thought an article about dealing with the blues might be appropriate, a druid perspective. The first thing I want to emphasize is not to let fears and sadness take over your thoughts and emotions. Fear has no power…
Witch Hunt
There are witches all around us. You can find them anywhere… The Witch on Wheels has been documenting her findings. Meet Sinix O’Dair I met Denis years ago at a pagan discussion group for LGBTQ genuinely kind – kind enough to help this “grandwitch” with computer problems and not to laugh at the shocked look I gave him upon learning he does not cleanse magical items that come into his possession, but rather works with the energy they possess. Be it rhyming a blessing or renovating a multi-family home, he relishes a challenge and his accomplishments never cease to amaze. 1. Do you have a magical name…
Divine Introspections: Meditation Journeys through Healing and Spirituality
To Release, Then to Increase as We Celebrate the Turn of the Year Rounding out a year of tumultuous growth and spontaneous energy shifts, we end our Wheel of the Year with an incredibly rare opportunity to find faith inside of ourselves and refocus our vision to a positive success. Samhain. Such a sacred time of year as the veil grows to it’s thinnest and we welcome into our homes the Spirits of our deceased loved ones, pay respect to the God/desses of Old, and look to rebirthing our land for the new crops to come. It is time for us to shed the old, celebrate our accomplishments and dive…
Book Review – Shamanic Healing: Traditional Medicine for a Modern World by Itzhak Beery
Book Review Shamanic Healing Traditional Medicine for a Modern World by Itzhak Beery Destiny Books 226 Pages Shamanic Healing: Traditional Medicine for a Modern World is a great introduction to the power and scope of traditional medicine techniques from cultures that stand outside of Western medicine. Itzhak Beery opens the book, his third, with a compelling chapter on the need to integrate the wisdom and personal approach of shamanic healing wisdom with the benefits of Western medicine. He then takes the reader on his personal journey to shamanism, starting with his first workshops with Michael Harner and John Perkins, both of whom were instrumental in popularizing cross-cultural shamanic practices and…
Book Review – The Magic of Pathworking: A Meditation Guide for Your Inner Vision by Simon Court
Book Review The Magic of Pathworking A Meditation Guide for Your Inner Vision by Simon Court Llewellyn 288 Pages When I saw that this title was available for review, I admit to being rather excited. Pathworkings are my favorite tools of use for teaching, reflection and personal growth. I’ve written them, participated in and learned from the best of the best about the potency and power of their work at all levels of being. So, add to this already impassioned perspective and author’s work background and training is derived from some of the best esotericists, magicians and teachers of Hermetic knowledge and you have all of the ingredients…
3 Pagans and a Cat Podcast Monthly Feature
Three Paths, One Journey, No Cat In this highly informative & entertaining podcast, three family members embroiled in wildly divergent traditions gather in one room to discuss, debate, and flat-out argue about their magical, mythical, and mundane lives, all for our education and pleasure. While Waiting to Hear This Month’s Casts, Why Not Catch Up on Last Month’s… Episode 109: Celestial Bodies, The Moon – Car, Gwyn, and Ode discuss the science, symbolism, and magic of our planet’s only moon. Episode 110: Celestial Bodies, The Sun – Car. Gwyn, and Ode discuss the sun as an astronomical object and as a deity, how it can be used in…
Nurturing Your Wild Child
Costumes, Candy, and Carving Galore! Every year we adorn our houses with the spookiest decor, search for the largest pumpkin in the patch, and enjoy fun crafts with our families. It’s no surprise that introducing our children to Samhain is a smooth lesson. We find so much excitement in this time of year yet it has little connection to the Secular Faiths and we find that it’s roots are actually Irish Celtic in nature! Inside this Tradition, we also find some areas of apprehension when it comes to teaching our children the purpose for our Rituals. Death, Spirits, and Magickal things that we let them hold on to with…