Book Review – Nightside of the Runes: Uthark, Adulruna and the Gothic Cabbala by Thomas Karlsson
Book Review Nightside of the Runes: Uthark, Adulruna and the Gothic Cabbala by Thomas Karlsson, Ph.D. Published by Inner Traditions 288 pages Publication date: February 12, 2019 Nightside of the Runes: Uthark, Adulruna and the Gothic Cabbala is an exploration of esoteric meanings and correspondences of the runes in two parts. In fact, it is actually two books. Each was published separately in German, Swedish and Italian, then published as one volume in the first U.S. edition. Thomas Karlsson lays out the “nightside,” or hidden dimensions of the runes, through the work of Sigurd Agrell, a Swedish runologist and professor of Slavic languages, and Johannes Bureus, a Swedish mystic…
Interview With Molly Remer of Brigid’s Grove
Brigid’s Grove Represents the Integrity, Interests & Skills of Its Founding Family Molly Remer has worked with groups of women since 1996. Prior to creating Brigid’s Grove, she had a blog and a website for public outreach that ran concurrently: Talk Birth for support of birth work, and Woodspriestess about her priestessing and her life in the woods. “I was making birth art figurines and goddesses. My roots are in birth work, childbirth education, and domestic violence activism,” she said in a telephone interview in May. Her husband, Mark, spent fifteen years as a computer programmer and web developer for large state organizations. In 2013, they sat on…
Book Review – Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine
Book Review Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine By Lara Veleda Vesta Published by Red Wheel/Weiser LLC 199 pages Publication Date: May 1, 2021 “Runes are beings. Not merely shapes, not only sigils, not just magic,” says Lara Veleda Vesta in her new work Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine. Vesta, who teaches at the Wild Soul School and is author of The Moon Divas Guidebook and The Moon Divas Oracle, has delivered an intriguing new approach to build working relationships with runes. Started as a “lived practice” in a year of personal turmoil, Vesta used scholarly research, and personal gnosis, to develop a thirty-three week…
My Ogham Journey to the Beach
This journeying experience was from a lesson in Lora O’Brien’s Ogham Journeys class at the Irish Pagan School. I can’t recommend their courses highly enough, and have found some genuine authentic connections to various important aspects of my Irish Celtic spirituality through both their free and paid courses. The space behind my eyelids was red, not black. I expected a darkness, black and soft like velvet, but instead I was in a swirling maelstrom of blood-red chaos. This space had been easy to access but I bounced around alarmingly rather than floating easily; my movements were frenetic and uncontrollable as I first tried to get to grips with this…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Witch’s Runes Merry meet. I was a witch for more than a decade before I came across a set of witch’s runes at a tag sale. It was several more months before I was able to identify what they were. If you believe less is more, you will want these. If the traditional Norse rune symbols don’t resonate with you, it could be because they don’t speak your language. Every witch, pagan and muggle can understand these eight symbols: sun, moon, wave, birds, leaf, rings, crossed spears, and the color black. My symbols were burned into twig slices. If you’d like to make a set, you might consider…
Rowan Supermoon Tarot Spread
Hello, Brightest Blessings! I wanted to share February’s Supermoon Tarot Spread Rowan Moon Tarot Spread February’s full moon has several names: ROWAN MOON, ICEMOON, QUICKENING MOON, STORM MOON, HUNGER MOON, SNOW MOON. The moon grows large here in Paris, Idaho. I’ve had the pleasure to do rituals with the Supermoon, in a few key spots here in Paris. I did solitary rituals watching the moon close up with no trees or houses to block the view. I’ve even gone to our local little cemetery, which is on a high hill overlooking the rural city below, such a sight to be hold. SUPERMOON energy is Strong and Very Powerful. This can…
Goddess Brigid Tarot Spread
BRIGID, BRIGIT, BRIDE. Celtic Goddess of the sacred flame, poetry, healing, smith craft. Triple goddess, we honor her with this tarot spread. She has so much to offer with healing & inspiration to invite within your life. You can use this spread anytime in month of February or whenever to contact The Goddess Brigid Don’t forget to leave her offerings of: blackberries, coins, ale, candlelight, food, baked goods or grass for her cow, as a sign of respect for asking for any of her blessings within your life. This Spread can be used for Tarot, Oracle cards, even crystal readings or Runes as well. *** About the Author:…
Looking for Love Tarot Spread
In this modern age any tech savvy person can look up dating sites on an app and meet singles close by. I offer this tarot spread for those wanting to have a good look within to see what their heart truly desires in their love life. Everyone is deserving of finding love. Look to the Goddess Aphrodite, or Eros/ Cupid, to help find your special loved one, and maybe your true soulmate. May the Goddess or God Help you find your true Love. Goddess bless. *** About the Author: Norma Clark I’m Wiccan, My style follows my spiritual path, and what comes to mind.. I live in a…
January Full, Frost Moon Tarot/Oracle Spread
Hello, Brightest Blessings I wanted to share a January Full, Frost Moon tarot spread this month. January Full moon Has several Names: old moon, chaste moon, cold moon, quiet moon, snowmoon. It’s that time of year when the temperature drops & the mornings are frosty. All sounds are hushed by the falling snow. It’s a calm and quiet time. A perfect time to prepare for the coming year and the lessons to learn to move from last year to the new year. As the Temps drop a beautiful white ice ring appears around the moon as she grows to full. We’re Far away from big City lights in rural Paris,…
December Full Oak Moon Tarot Spread
Hello, Brightest Blessings I wanted to share December’s Full Moon tarot spread the OAK MOON tarot Spread. December’s Full Moon Has several Names: COLD MOON, ELDERMOON, WOLFMOON, LONG NIGHT MOON, & COLDMOON. It’s that time of year when the temperature drops & we have frosty mornings. The holiday season is full of glory and snow starts to fall with the approaching winter solstice /Yule. As the Temps drop a beautiful white ice ring appears around the moon as she grows to full. We’re far away from big City lights In Rural Paris, Idaho. We can see the milky way, stars, & planets every night. You can use this spread anytime during the month of December for any lunar…