
Book Review – Heart of Fire An Intimate Journey of Pain, Love and Healing by Leisa Stockall Cartelli

Book Review

Heart of Fire

An Intimate Journey of Pain, Love and Healing

by Leisa Stockall Cartelli

231 Pages



As a clinician, I am always amazed by the resilience of the human spirit…stories of abuse and trauma transforming people into survivors unexpectedly. Leisa Stockall Cartelli’s story is one of overcoming great adversity in the face of an unexpected accident.

At the age of 9, a dramatic event forever changed her life and led to a life of pain, rejection and insecurity. This is a story of learning to love yourself despite your outward appearance.

Having overcome many barriers in her life, Ms. Stockall Cartelli speaks of her journey of spreading hope and love among others, specifically to adolescents and young women who endured severe burn/trauma injuries. She has accomplished this through the creation of her international nonprofit organization named Angel Faces.

This is a story that I very much enjoyed and highly recommend. Ms. Stockall Cartelli is an excellent narrator of the challenges she has faced and the obstacles she has overcome. She flawlessly narrates her amazing story of self love and giving hope to those who have been rejected and made to believe that outer appearance defines who they are. In a culture where beauty is highly regarded and rewarded; differences in physical appearance may lead to social rejection. Ms. Stockall Cartelli reminds us that we are all beautiful and that everyone’s beauty lies within.

Heart of Fire: An Intimate Journey of Pain, Love, and Healing on Amazon



About the Author:

Tammy Andrews is a beginner in the area of all matters related to Wicca and witchcraft. She is interested in many areas of natural spiritual practice including the use of incense and oils, pendulum divination, oracle cards, and crystals. She is Reiki I certified with plans to obtain further Reiki levels. With her love of learning and reading, she is excited to join PaganPagesOrg as a book reviewer. Tammy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker employed in a community agency that provides counseling and case management services to clients who live with serious mental illnesses and addiction issues. The power of human survival and resilience never ceases to amaze her. She views social work as her passion and life calling. Tammy resides in CT with her husband, who is her greatest supporter, her cat and her dogs. She has enjoyed the opportunity to assist in the nurturing of her step-son to become a prospering young adult.

Tammy and her husband spend many Summer weekends at their cabin in VT where she loves the opportunity to renew her spirit in the peace and solitude of the trees. You can contact Tammy via email at [email protected]