• Monthly Columns,  Uncategorized

    Weyland’s Whey – That Old Familiar Feeling

    Count Them Blessings   I got COVID.  She didn’t.    Are we old?  Not yet!   We love our fur kids!   Our dog’s name is Delinquent….   ….she livers up to it.   Delinquent barks at everything.  One night she warned us of an intruder at our door.   Coffee is awesome!    Wicca is a great comfort.    ** About the Author: Weyland Smith is an eclectic solitaire wytch.  He lives in New Jersey with his girlfriend Sparkle, their two feline familiars and a dog named Delinquent.  Weyland’s interests include writing, crystals and web weaving.  Wey is also a firm believer in reincarnation—in a previous life he was…

  • Monthly Columns

    Poem – Divine Love

      A poem for anyone that has ever felt pure love for or from their deities.   Love All my life I wondered about Divine love I have been devoted Twice before And felt adoration Awe Terror Humility And yes, a sort of love A connection beyond The mundane I knew I loved I appreciated I was grateful. But love? I didn’t feel it In return Maybe appreciated Maybe thanked or honoured When I followed through On oaths Commitments Daily devotionals But love? I didn’t expect it I didn’t miss it I didn’t yearn for it Because I was already So fulfilled   Then you came back Into my life…

  • Crafting Articles

    The Kitchen Witch

    Molasses Crinkles When we think of Valentine’s Day, it’s normal to think of big heart-shaped boxes of chocolates for our loved ones – “sweets for the sweets” – and who doesn’t love to get one of these beautiful boxes of chocolates – usually accompanied by a big bouquet of red roses? I mean – I know I do! But – there are other ways to show how much we care for our loved ones. I personally think a nice home baked spice cookie says a whole lot more – and who isn’t ready for a spicy night on Valentine’s Day? Molasses Crinkles is my favorite spice cookie. There are dozens…

  • Monthly Columns

    The Healing Embrace: Four Wonderful Reasons to Hug

    Little feels more natural than embracing a partner or friend to show affection, offer reassurance, and simply enjoy the close presence of their spirit. Likewise, closeness with our children, who rely on our physical touch to thrive and be comforted, is second nature. This is because these embraces are healing to our bodies and minds. They feel so good not only because we deeply love and care for those we hold close, but because our bodies have a positive physiological and psychological response to this gentle physical affection. Here are four ways embraces benefit everyone involved: An embrace with your partner gets positive brain chemicals flowing: At the end of…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Heart of Fire An Intimate Journey of Pain, Love and Healing by Leisa Stockall Cartelli

    Book Review Heart of Fire An Intimate Journey of Pain, Love and Healing by Leisa Stockall Cartelli 231 Pages     As a clinician, I am always amazed by the resilience of the human spirit…stories of abuse and trauma transforming people into survivors unexpectedly. Leisa Stockall Cartelli’s story is one of overcoming great adversity in the face of an unexpected accident. At the age of 9, a dramatic event forever changed her life and led to a life of pain, rejection and insecurity. This is a story of learning to love yourself despite your outward appearance. Having overcome many barriers in her life, Ms. Stockall Cartelli speaks of her journey…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Witch’s Book of Love: Hundreds of Magical Ways to Attract and Strengthen Love by Mary Shannon

    Book Review The Witch’s Book of Love Hundreds of Magical Ways to Attract and Strengthen Love by Mary Shannon 256 Pages     If Mary Shannon’s last chapter had been her first, it would have been a very different book. The Witch’s Book of Love presents tools, tips, solutions and spells to help any love quest. Introducing numerology – the metaphysical study of numbers – Shannon explains their potential significance. With the understanding “[e]verything in the universe is made up of some form of energy,” that means numbers do as well. The life path, destiny, soul urge and personality numbers give a profile of your personality. The meaning of each…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The New Model of Love: Naturally Supercharge Your Relationships by Charles Lim Wu

    Book Review The New Model of Love Naturally Supercharge Your Relationships by Charles Lim Wu 320 pages     So, as I’ve stated before, in my reviews, I generally don’t read anything about the author or the book before I do my review. I do this because I want to be able to be objective whenever I’m doing a review. With that, here’s my review of the book “The New Model of Love” this was written by Charles Lim Wu, who has a bachelor’s degree in economics and engineering and also has an MBA. Mr. Wu is the creator of a new movement called Modelism and is the first Lucid…

  • Divination Articles

    Love/Relationship Tarot Spread

    Sometimes when we’re in a relationship with someone for a while or even something new, we want to see how things are going. Maybe look at it from another perceptive or see how things truly are. See how to fix problems if they arise or work things out. We always need a little insight to seeing how to grow as a family or strengthen the bond as a couple. Having a positive attitude, open heart, and communication can solve any issue with love. Be open to insight for guidance from any Goddess or God of love. Here are a few.   GODDESS: Aphrodite, Freya, GOD: Eros/Cupid, Angus   They can offer insight. Be open…

  • Spells & Rituals

    SpellCrafting: Spells & Rituals

    Attracting Love Merry meet!   Valentine’s Day and the first stirrings of spring at Imbolc both can fan the heart’s embers and bring about a yearning for love. Crafting an ethical love spell requires focus and clarity, and care to not direct the spell to attract a specific person. I had felt guided to do an attraction spell using a large pink candle that I would light every night, but it was easy to ignore for months because I could not find a pink candle in a tall glass cylinder. When it appeared before me a couple of weeks ago, I knew it was time. I made a list of…

  • Divination Articles

    Looking for Love Tarot Spread

    In this modern age any tech savvy person can look up dating sites on an app and meet singles close by. I offer this tarot spread for those wanting to have a good look within to see what their heart truly desires in their love life. Everyone is deserving of finding love. Look to the Goddess Aphrodite, or Eros/ Cupid, to help find your special loved one, and maybe your true soulmate. May the Goddess or God Help you find your true Love. Goddess bless.     *** About the Author: Norma Clark I’m Wiccan, My style follows my spiritual path, and what comes to mind.. I live in a…