
Book Review – The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach

Book Review

The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach

by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian

Published by Destiny Books

560 pages

Publication date: March 10, 2015



I really enjoyed this book. It is now the book I reach for if I have any questions about stones, or just want to do some reading to see what I may be needing in my life. There is a take on the approach to the stones that I really appreciate. They refer to it as “an I-Thou” meeting and talk about how the stones have the ability to do what they can, but only if they are treated well and a connection is developed. I also like how they say that a stone works on three levels- physical, soul and spiritual. There is a take on crystal work that most books overlook. I feel like I have developed a new appreciation for the stones I work with after reading this. If you get the book for some knowledge on stones- please read the introduction and preface as they are full of information one should not go without.

Robert Simmon and Naisha Ahsian each have their own introductions. Roberts is first and he really breaks down the science of crystals- which I really enjoyed. He has a theory on why stones work. He gets into things from DNA and atoms to liquid crystals and organisms. He really breaks things down to an eye-opening level and explains more than just the feelings you get from stones. It breaks down why you feel the energies you do and why we could have such a strong connection to items some people just disregard. It’s extremely interesting.

After the breakdown of science he writes about different ways you can use stones. He goes over suggestions like putting them in your environment, carrying them on your person and wearing them. But I really enjoyed the section on meditation as it resonated the most with me. I personally enjoy lighting some candles and getting lost in energies around me with crystals. The way he speaks about it just works so well with the feel of the book. He really encourages the reader to try mediation with stones- and I agree. Although I have never tried a full body-layout, I really have a desire to. This was motivational and inspiring. He speaks of grids and oracles. I have never been a part of a reading- other than runes and tarot cards. But I hope to find someone who does stone readings one day as it seems up my alley, and after reading the section in the beginning of this book- it makes me want to try it more.

He writes about the various energy tools you can make on your own, rather than buying ones other people make. How you can take what you need and want and create a more personal item like a wand. Not that there’s anything wrong with buying wands or other items people have made, but I love the ideas he provides.

After Robert, Naisha provides a section on the elemental energies in the mineral kingdom- also a very interesting section. She writes about the frequencies in the stones themselves and the various aspects of those. Now, I really connected with this section as I work a lot with Gaia and Naisha brings her energies up. She goes over why not all stones are Earth elements, even though stones come from the earth. She really breaks down how the elements are determined and formed. She writes about the element Storm, which is not brought up very often at all. So that was refreshing. It goes over how important balance is between the elements and between humans.

Balance itself is a major component and how we, as a society are not as in-balance with the earth as our ancestors used to be. It really is quite sad. Naisha gets into how stones can help restore the balance within ourselves by connecting to the energies. I found it really interesting how she touches on this using science and her knowledge of electromagnetic fields. She goes over each element and the benefits and highlights of each. She touches on how some stones can work with more than one element because of their chemical compositions. I also love the term “crystal allies”.

This book has a coloured picture of each stone, not only for reference but to help draw attention to the ready to see what catches their eye. I love that detail, as sometimes it is frustrating when you are wanting to find information, or make sure you are reading about the right stone- but there is not a photo for reference, or to see if it draws you in. There are keywords, elements and chakras right at the top. Next, there is a general description of the aspects of the stone itself and then both Robert and Naisha give their own input Afterwards they provide Spiritual, Emotional, Physical properties and also an affirmation.

This book has a unique take on a typical crystal/stone dictionary. The information provided in the book can make a huge difference in one’s life. Not only can you use it as a reference, but you can use it as a guide. I feel extremely lucky to have been provided this book to review as it just stays on my night stand now and I flip through it and read about different stones. I let the images and pages guide me in what I may need at that moment, and I feel a stronger connection to my stones since reading this. Excellent book and an absolute need for anyone who wants to work with stones.


The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach on Amazon



About the Author:

Merry meet! I’m Jazz and I’m a Canadian oddball. I love roller derby, kickboxing, spending time with my dog and husband & love all things art, craft and pagan!

I was raised by a Roman Catholic family but discovered Buddhism, then Paganism while in elementary school and have followed the Pagan path ever since.

My main deity is Gaia as she approached me in a dream and I feel a very strong connection to her.

I love working with runes and absorbing knowledge and working on my never ending book of shadows.

I have always been drawn to the arts & have done many crafts and randomness for as long as I can remember. I find it peaceful and it helps settle my mind. I enjoy drawing, painting, cross stitching, doll making, jewelry making and more! I hope to spread my love and passions with others and put as much positivity in the world as possible.

Feel free to check out my Facebook and Instagram! Thanks for popping by and Blessed Be!