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    A Time to Talk to Dead People Meditation

      Samhain is famed to be the best day of the year to talk to those who have crossed over, and in this October’s meditation, we’re going to do just that.  Whether the dead talk back is up to you (and them.)   Before you begin this meditation, think about who you’d like to talk to and what you’d like to say.  What emotions do you need to express?  Are you hurting?  Angry?  Or are you peaceful and excited to take the opportunity to communicate with a lost loved one?   There is no wrong answer.  If you are hurting or angry, this meditation could help bring you peace.  If…

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    Meditation Moment

    Darkest Night of the Soul The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year, which means each night following gets shorter, each day gets that much longer, until the summer solstice in June. Some people stay up on the longest night of the year, burning Yule logs, waiting to witness the rebirth of the sun.  This meditation is for those of us who like that idea, but really don’t have the energy to pull that kind of thing off. I have designed this meditation to work as a miniature “darkest night of the soul,” where you give form to your negative energy until it crushes itself out of you,…

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    Meditation Moment

    Connecting With Departed Loved Ones The easiest way for our loved ones on the other side to get messages to us is in our dreams.  We can train our minds to be more receptive to their communications with practice, and this meditation, or a variation of it, is an excellent tool for such training.  Try doing this one before sleeping several nights in a row, and make sure you record your dreams!  I am calling the Light Being in this meditation an angel. If you prefer to think of it as your totem or spirit guide, simply substitute your term of preference. If you record this meditation to listen to…

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    Meditation Moment

        Magnetic Meditation Take three slow, deep breaths. Feel warm white light like a sun shining only for you, pouring over your body, burning away stress and fear, awakening love and peace. See the Universe, and yourself in it, as a billion suns of different sizes and colors, sending out flares of energy and receiving flares of the same color in return. Some of the flares are so dark you can barely tell they are light.  Some flares are tiny, others huge.  But they are all returned in kind. What color of energy do you want to attract in your life?  Make your sun send out more of that…

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    Meditation Moment

        A Meditation on Oneness   It’s easy to say that we are one, and easy to believe it intellectually.  This meditation is for helping us experience that oneness.   To begin, I’m going to tell you a story.   Last week I had to fly on a plane for the first time in 18 years.  While I was sitting in my window seat, looking at my home state through the haze of turquoise sky, I felt my awareness expand the way it does in meditation and trance.  I looked at the people on the plane with me.  I listened to their voices, their laughter, their breath, and in…

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    Meditation Moment

    A Meditation on Desire          In the beginning, there was One.       After a few million millenia, One got bored, and became Two.       Consciousness, Stillness, Space – Shiva       and       Energy, Movement, Matter – Shakti.       Shiva and Shakti took one look at each other and fell madly, passionately in love. They immediately united with each other in every way they could, and there was much Big Banging.       From their Union came all the photons that make light and all the particles that make the atoms that make the molecules that make the minerals and the cells and the…

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    Meditation Moment

    Affirmation Breathing   A simple meditation technique that can help you to easily shift your mood, release stress, and even trance out is what I like to call “affirmation breathing.”   This is an intuitive technique.  Breathe as deeply or shallowly, quickly or slowly, loudly or softly, forcefully or gently as you feel moved to.   With each inhale, bring something into yourself with an affirmative thought, such as “With Love.”  With each exhale, release or banish something with another affirmative thought, which could be as simple as, “I release.”   Use your powers of imagination to make this meditation more powerful.  What does breathing in love look like, feel…

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    Meditation Moment

    A Meditation on Loss   What do you do when you lose everything?   Losing everything to you might mean losing all of your friends, or the job to which you’ve dedicated your life.  It could mean losing a loved one, or several loved ones, to death.  It could mean losing all of your most cherished possessions, or your home, or your car.   When we suffer losses, a void is left inside us, a huge abyss of emptiness that was once full of comfort and security.  We might even feel guilty for mourning our loss, as if we don’t have the right to our own feelings.  There always seems…

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    Meditation Moment

    A Moment For Self-Love When was the last time you did something romantic…for yourself?   Have you ever bought yourself a love gift – chocolate, flowers, jewelry, or something so special only someone who knew you intimately would think to surprise you with it?   How intimate are you with yourself?  Do you ever engage yourself in long conversations, perhaps in a journal, or take yourself out on dates?   Whether you are single or married to the best partner in the world, you need to nurture your relationship with yourself.  Acting and speaking in a loving manner to yourself heals you, rejuvenates you, and helps you to grow as…

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    Meditation Moment

    Satisfaction   What is the most important action you can take in order to achieve your goals or stick with your resolutions?   Making a list?  Checking it twice?  Setting alarms, or punishments to discourage each vice?   No.  No.  No, and hell no.   Listen closely my friends, so I can dazzle you with an action so powerful, so simple, you will probably initially dismiss it as a waste of time.   Are you ready for this?   Here it is:   Fantasize yourself living your new life now that you have made that change.   This means visualizing yourself enjoying performing your new healthy habits in the body…