Jazz’s Gems
Apache Tears Apache tears I find to be an underrated stone. Personally, I have relied on it to get me through some tough times, and it is certainly one of my favourite and most useful in my collection. I suffer from trauma issues, and if you do too- get yourself some Apache tears! If you suffer from depression, anxiety or are going through grief or loss, this is also very helpful as it brings supportive energies that can provide relief. Apache tears are a form of Obsidian but are more lightweight and porous. They are volcanic glass and are classed as a mineraloid. It consists mainly of silicon dioxide, and…
Crystal Magick
Imbolc also called Saint Brigid’s Day or Candlemas or Oimelc, is the Pagan Sabbat based on a Gaelic traditional festival celebrating the Spring. It symbolizes the halfway point between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Ostara). The word “imbolc” means “in the belly of the Mother,” because the seeds of spring are beginning to stir in the belly of Mother Earth, or Gaia. To celebrate Imbolc, some modern day pagans focus on celebrating Brigid by setting up an altar with the symbols of Brigid, like a corn husk doll, white fowers, a bowl of milk, and candles. Other pagans aim their rituals towards the cycles of…
Jazz’s Jems
A Snippet on Shungite Shungite is a beautiful, black stone that is mainly Carbon. A fun fact about Shungite is that it contains nearly all the minerals in the periodic table of elements and is thought to be over 2 billion years old! Its element is Earth and is associated with Scorpio and Capricorn. Its main companion stone is Malachite and it’s found in Russia. Shungite will boost your immune system, can help reduce inflammation and promote universal unity. It is helpful for relieving stress and will soak up the negative energy to help balance emotions as well as purify water. Shungite can reduce inflammation and EMF…
Jazz’s Gems
A Quick Summary on Jade Typically when you think of, or see jade, you see green jade. Although it does come in other colours, I will be touching mainly on the green variety. It is best for abundance, soothing nerves, prosperity and helping one achieve their goals and dreams. It gives you an existential pick-me-up in a way. It is a softer stone so you need to be cautious when wearing it or cleaning it, but jade is a great addition to any home, work or as a piece of jewelry. Green jade is an abundance stone that brings harmony and happiness to your relationships and also your…
Book Review – The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach
Book Review The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian Published by Destiny Books 560 pages Publication date: March 10, 2015 I really enjoyed this book. It is now the book I reach for if I have any questions about stones, or just want to do some reading to see what I may be needing in my life. There is a take on the approach to the stones that I really appreciate. They refer to it as “an I-Thou” meeting and talk about how the stones have the ability to do what they can, but only if they are…
Book Review – Crystals and Numerology: Decode Your Numbers and Support Your Life Path with Healing Stones by Edith Wuest and Sabine Schieferle
Book Review Crystals and Numerology Decode Your Numbers and Support Your Life Path with Healing Stones by Edith Wuest and Sabine Schieferle Publisher: Earthdancer Books 160 Pages Publication Date: February 16, 2021 Numerology is a tool for gaining insight into character, talents, and abilities by analyzing the numbers in your birthdate, and the numeric values of the letters in your name, as well as the numbers that serendipitously appear in your life again and again. These personal numbers reflect our inner world. Crystals offer supportive and healing energy in the outer world, helping to harmonize the energies we had at birth. “Crystals and Numerology” combines both, bringing the…
Jazz’s Jems
Malachite Malachite is a very versatile gem that is green with some dark green or black concentric bands. It is similar to rosasite, serpentine, chrysocolla and pseudomalachite. The main places you can find malachite would be Russia, Australia and Africa. It is mainly copper ( around 60%), so it is a useful ore as well. It is also known as the “Mirror of the soul” and a “stone of transformation”. Malachite is connected to the heart and throat chakras, is associated with the planet Venus, and it’s zodiacs are Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn. It is also used with the element Earth. This green stone is soft…
Explaining Crystals to Muggles
When electricity was first experimented with, imagine how people reacted. “I walked by Tesla’s place again today. Still playing with those wires and metal bits to get his invisible energy to work.” No one understood electricity, or tried to, until finally someone did. They knew there was something there that couldn’t be seen but could be manipulated if they used the right elements. Crystals and their energies/vibrations are no different. In this article I aim to offer a simple, relatable explanation of how these energies work and how they compare to the similar energy we have already mastered, electricity. Metatron’s cube is a crystal grid from sacred geometry and…
Dream Achievement Spell
I have always felt a pull to live off the land, like it’s my life’s purpose to homestead. I’ve always sought a deeper connection with the earth around me and have wanted to be able to have a long term connection with a specific piece of nature with time to nurture and build it. Because of this pull I have fashioned my entire life around this goal, thankfully finding a wonderful partner and friends to do it with. We live out of a skoolie, my friends out of their own, which is almost fully converted specifically to find the place we feel a pull or need to call…
The Sacred Spoon
Chakra Balancing Meals – Crown Chakra Detox Meals Our final chakra is the Crown chakra which represents our connection to the universe, our wisdom, and our spiritual center. Having a blocked crown chakra can show itself in a disinterest in one’s path, an inability to or disinterest in mediation or rituals, or a lack of prayer. For the crown chakra one may choose to fast, but personally i worry about the effects of fasting long term on the metabolism. For this reason we will be covering quite a few detox recipes instead. These can be combined or used separately, but all can be used to plan a few days of…