• Monthly Columns

    Retha’s Crystal Reflections

    All You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Quantum Quattro     Quantum Quattro is a combination of multiple minerals. Different sources state different combos, but the most prevalent is shattuckite, chrysocolla, dioptase and malachite. “Quantum” means 4 in Italian. It’s also believed to contain silicon dioxide and smoky quartz. And sometimes even ajoite, azurite and cuprite. Quantum Quattro comes from only one deposit on earth, in Namibia, Africa. It comes from an oxidation zone of copper deposits. Whether it includes some or all of the individual minerals previously mentioned, it still encompasses the properties and energies of them all, as they all grow together in the larger matrix that the…

  • Reviews

    Worth the Witch

    The Magickal Earth     “Gratitude and Transformation” was the theme of The Magickal Earth’s box sent to customers for November 22 to December 21.     “The company is undergoing its own transformation,” said Janet Barto, who travels the country “in search of all things Magickal such as stones, rocks, minerals, and handcrafted items.” It just opened its first shop called the Magickal Earth Boutique in Enumclaw, Washington. In addition to work by local artists are items from around the world. “We are offering many amazing classes such as Chakra Healing with Crystals, yoga every Wednesday night, tarot readers every weekend … plus more.” Another recent change was introducing…

  • Divination Articles

    December Full Oak Moon Tarot Spread

    Hello, Brightest Blessings  I wanted to share December’s Full Moon tarot spread the OAK  MOON  tarot Spread. December’s Full Moon Has several Names: COLD MOON, ELDERMOON, WOLFMOON, LONG NIGHT MOON, & COLDMOON. It’s that time of year when the temperature drops & we have frosty mornings. The holiday season is full of glory and snow starts to fall with the approaching winter solstice /Yule. As the Temps drop a beautiful white ice ring appears around the moon as she grows to full. We’re far away from big City lights In Rural Paris, Idaho. We can see the milky way, stars, & planets every night. You can use this spread anytime during the month of December for any lunar…

  • Reviews

    Review of Buddha Gear – Planting the Seeds of Mindfulness

    It was so much fun to receive this headband from Buddha Gear to review. Buddha Gear is Joy and Jason. Joy designs and sells hats, and has been for over 12 years. Jason is a guide and wellness coach, who has traveled extensively on his spiritual journey, wishing to help those experience their own spiritual awakening. Together, they have co-created Buddha Gear, a company making handmade, unique head gear such as headbands, beanies and hats. Putting their money where their mouths are, they donate a beanie to a homeless shelter for each one that is sold (go buy one!) Susan Morgain (SM): What was the impetus for starting this? Buddha…

  • Reviews

    Worth the Witch

      Una Spirit Medicine Bundle     “Dream Guidance” was the theme of the Una Spirit Medicine Bundle sent to customers in September. Its contents were selected to increase awareness of the gifts dream journeys offer. “This is a topic very dear to my heart,” said Alicia Franzen of Heart Path Creations. “I have always felt that no matter how much one doesn’t remember dreaming, we are all dreaming every night. … We don’t exercise this awareness enough. We are deeply connecting to the Spirit world through dreams. Dreams are a sacred time of coming back to our truth.”     Dreams don’t happen to us, we actively engage with…

  • Divination Articles

    Solar Eclipse Tarot Spread

    Hello, Brightest Blessings  I wanted to share today an eclipse Tarot/ Oracle card spread. The Solar Eclipse is a beautiful event we have many times through out the year. A normal Solar Eclipse will happen 1 week and usually within 2 weeks or less, it is followed by a lunar eclipse. An awe inspiring event. Magickal working within an eclipse is stronger than usual. It’s a supercharge of energy. Not meant for light fluffy work. It is a time for strong influences, for example: protection & banishing are perfect to name a few. Know sometimes during this time it’s good not practice any magick, but rather a time to soul…

  • Divination Articles

    Winter Solstice /Yule Tarot Spread

    Hello, Brightest Blessings  Come celebrate the Winter Solstice and season of Yule. We love to watch the coming of each season here in rural Idaho. We love to look out our windows and watch the snow storms come down the mountains to us bringing beautiful snow flurries that cover our hilltops and trees. Every year my husband decorates our small city with Yuletide lights and winter themed décor all around town for the holiday season. Enjoy this Yule tarot spread. Gain insight for the coming new year.     *** About the Author: Norma Clark I’m Wiccan, My style follows my spiritual path, and what comes to mind.. I live…

  • Monthly Columns

    Retha’s Crystal Reflections

    Crystals for Working with the New & Full Moon If you are anything like me, working with the moon phases are a big part of your monthly rituals. I am always looking for the perfect crystals to support my moon work. I have come up with some tried and true crystals over the years that I work with again and again. I hope you will try working with some of these and that you find they enhance your intention setting, wish making and honoring of our beautiful Luna. Read on to hear my top crystal allies for the new and full moon. New Moon Crystals When I think of the…