Book Review – The Moon Fix: Harness Lunar Power for Healing and Happiness by Theresa Cheung
Book Review The Moon Fix Harness Lunar Power for Healing and Happiness by Theresa Cheung 176 Pages Oh where do I start? I love this book. Every Moon lover needs this book in their bookcase. The illustrations alone are so beautiful and magickal. I got such a calming feeling just looking at the pictures. They were so well thought out. Just about every page has a gorgeous Moon illustration by Indigo. There are 176 pages in this hard covered book. It starts out with an intro about the powers of the Moon, the divine principle and how to use this book. Chapter 1 talks about living with the…
Worth the Witch
Spiral Rain Zodiac Box This is the first of two boxes we are reviewing this month from Spiral Rain. Living two hours from Montreal and almost that far from Quebec City, Rani Guillemette began purchasing monthly subscription boxes to acquire tools to practice her Craft, only to realize she could make them and, in the process, grow as a person. “I love doing research, I love helping others and I love witchcraft,” she said. Spiral Rain was born November 1, 2018; two months later it was officially online. Since then she has put together two sets of themed boxes, each with 12 categories. This review…
Retha’s Crystal Reflections
The Magic of Azurite I have been wanting to write about azurite for some time, as it’s such an important crystal it deserves its own moment. Azurite is one of the most potent and intense stones you can work with. So strong that Edgar Cayce credits azurite with being instrumental in aiding his many visions and predictions! This crystal will make itself known and stand out from the rest of your crystal tools as you start to work & focus on your psychic potential. To learn all about this truly amazing gem, read on! Azurite is a deep blue copper carbonate mineral with a porous appearance.…
Love/Relationship Tarot Spread
Sometimes when we’re in a relationship with someone for a while or even something new, we want to see how things are going. Maybe look at it from another perceptive or see how things truly are. See how to fix problems if they arise or work things out. We always need a little insight to seeing how to grow as a family or strengthen the bond as a couple. Having a positive attitude, open heart, and communication can solve any issue with love. Be open to insight for guidance from any Goddess or God of love. Here are a few. GODDESS: Aphrodite, Freya, GOD: Eros/Cupid, Angus They can offer insight. Be open…
Rowan Supermoon Tarot Spread
Hello, Brightest Blessings! I wanted to share February’s Supermoon Tarot Spread Rowan Moon Tarot Spread February’s full moon has several names: ROWAN MOON, ICEMOON, QUICKENING MOON, STORM MOON, HUNGER MOON, SNOW MOON. The moon grows large here in Paris, Idaho. I’ve had the pleasure to do rituals with the Supermoon, in a few key spots here in Paris. I did solitary rituals watching the moon close up with no trees or houses to block the view. I’ve even gone to our local little cemetery, which is on a high hill overlooking the rural city below, such a sight to be hold. SUPERMOON energy is Strong and Very Powerful. This can…
Goddess Brigid Tarot Spread
BRIGID, BRIGIT, BRIDE. Celtic Goddess of the sacred flame, poetry, healing, smith craft. Triple goddess, we honor her with this tarot spread. She has so much to offer with healing & inspiration to invite within your life. You can use this spread anytime in month of February or whenever to contact The Goddess Brigid Don’t forget to leave her offerings of: blackberries, coins, ale, candlelight, food, baked goods or grass for her cow, as a sign of respect for asking for any of her blessings within your life. This Spread can be used for Tarot, Oracle cards, even crystal readings or Runes as well. *** About the Author:…
Looking for Love Tarot Spread
In this modern age any tech savvy person can look up dating sites on an app and meet singles close by. I offer this tarot spread for those wanting to have a good look within to see what their heart truly desires in their love life. Everyone is deserving of finding love. Look to the Goddess Aphrodite, or Eros/ Cupid, to help find your special loved one, and maybe your true soulmate. May the Goddess or God Help you find your true Love. Goddess bless. *** About the Author: Norma Clark I’m Wiccan, My style follows my spiritual path, and what comes to mind.. I live in a…
Worth the Witch
Blessed Be Box / New Moon in Aquarius The enchanting box for the new moon in Aquarius January 24 was carefully packed with products to honor the moon cycle, empower individuals to manifest their desires, and provide support for the coming four weeks. Refreshing angelic white – representing air and the feeling of elevation – served as a sub-theme for this box. Slipping the box out of the bag, the frankincense incense, even in its package, offered a calming, uplifting scent and hinted at the magic inside. Opening the box reveals a card showing its contents, a copy of a Temperance tarot card that can be…
January Full, Frost Moon Tarot/Oracle Spread
Hello, Brightest Blessings I wanted to share a January Full, Frost Moon tarot spread this month. January Full moon Has several Names: old moon, chaste moon, cold moon, quiet moon, snowmoon. It’s that time of year when the temperature drops & the mornings are frosty. All sounds are hushed by the falling snow. It’s a calm and quiet time. A perfect time to prepare for the coming year and the lessons to learn to move from last year to the new year. As the Temps drop a beautiful white ice ring appears around the moon as she grows to full. We’re Far away from big City lights in rural Paris,…
Creating Sacred Space The Experience of Sacred Space makes possible the “founding of the world”: where the sacred Manifests itself in space, the real unveils itself, and the world comes into existence … Mircea Eliade … What is Sacred Space? Read and re-read the quote above. Take it into your space of meditation. Analyze, dissect and observe it from all angles, perspectives and meaning. Try to feel the weight and breath of its meaning and allow the words to gently wash over you. Digest it and then simply sit with the feeling of satiety its inner essence provides. And, once you have done these things, redo them, one by one.…