• Crafting Articles

    The Sacred Spoon

    Balancing Meals – Heart Chakra   Vinegar Roasted Greens The heart chakra represents and manages love, compassion, understanding, patience, and above all empathy. A closed or blocked heart chakra can show itself as a lack of empathy, depression, anxiety, and stress. An open one helps us connect to nature and those around us. A well balanced heart chakra is important in our day to day life and helping your family have a balanced one should be of high importance for a happy and healthy home. In this recipe we have a lot of benefits for our loved ones. It is packed with vitamins A, B6, and C along with healing…

  • Crafting Articles

    The Sacred Spoon

    Balancing Meals – Throat Chakra     Blueberry Lemon Pie The throat chakra controls our ability to express ourselves and live our truth. An unbalanced throat chakra may express itself in an inability to speak one’s mind, even when offered a platform to do so. Also creative issues such as writer’s block, or not having the wherewithal to work on an art project. In family settings this can be witnessed as a child backing away from a club they’re just not feeling into right now or a spouse procrastinating a work project when they’re usually very strict about a timeline. Even something as seemingly small as your child not writing…

  • Monthly Columns,  Spells & Rituals

    Familiars & Crystal Magic

    I have two cats and one dog. My dog is my baby, but I didn’t get along with my cats until roughly a year ago when I began to better understand them. I believed cats were rude, loud and did whatever they wanted, basically teenagers. My current two were exceedingly unpleasant and wanton compared to most I have encountered. If they didn’t get their way they would potty all over the house out of spite, and were constantly under my feet tripping me and constantly yelling. Being accustomed to dogs made their behavior seem irritating and unruly. Finally I started paying attention beyond asking myself if they needed food or…

  • Reviews

    Jade Reviews Libby’s Handcrafted Magick Box & Interviews Owner Libby Tomsha

    This month we would like to introduce you to Libby’s Handcrafted Magick. You can view her shop on Etsy, or Facebook. Libby offers a variety of handmade items. Today we will share her “Small Box of Magick”, which according to her shop will include a handmade soy wax crystal candle, an intuitively chosen crystal and the herb of the month. Libby states that the items are valued at $35, and you are able to purchase it for only $25 plus shipping.     Your box arrives very carefully packaged, nothing was broken or damaged. There was a colorful handwritten index card identifying each item and their properties. I personally liked…

  • Crafting Articles

    The Sacred Spoon

    Chakra Balancing Meals Solar Plexus Chakra Chamomile Lemon Loaf with Lavender Glaze      The solar plexus Chakra is located in the gut and thus aids in who we are as a person, spiritual & mundane. It’s where we receive guidance that helps us make decisions, and is the core of one’s power. Much like with the heart Chakra, when our solar plexus is imbalanced we find it difficult to connect, accept on a more spiritual or personal sense instead of emotional. The stones associated with the solar plexus chakra are yellow calcite, tiger’s eye, pyrite, citrine and rutilated quartz. Kyanite can also be used as it helps align all of the…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer’s Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry, and More by Liz Dean

    Book Review The Divination Handbook The Modern Seer’s Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry, and More by Liz Dean Fair Winds Press 176 Pages   I love little guidebooks like this. I must have well over a dozen of them. In each one, there’s an overview of a half-a-dozen or so divination methods – sometimes more – and even though the information may often be more or less the same in all the books, they each have some nugget of enlightenment that the other books don’t have – which is why I collect these books. And quite honestly, you can’t have too many books! The Divination Handbook: The Modern Seer’s…

  • Reviews

    Worth the Witch

        A Little Zen Box   A Little Zen Box from My Little Magic Shop arrives ready to help you to make your own magic.   Everything tucked inside is described in the little booklet packed on the top.   Removing it, you get your first look at the tools inside “to help you become the best version of yourself by awakening your own damn magic.”   A red abalone shell, a wooden stand, sand, incense and a feather are offered for cleansing before a chakra balancing meditation. The idea is to place some sand in the shell atop the stand, and then add sage. Once lit, the smoke…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – 10 Minute Crystal Healing: Easy Tips for Using Crystals for Healing, Shielding, and Protection by Ann Crane

    Book Review 10 Minute Crystal Healing Easy Tips for Using Crystals for Healing, Shielding, and Protection by Ann Crane 176 Pages     “10-Minute Crystal Healing” introduces readers to these natural wonders and their energies. In the first part of the book, Ann Crane explains how crystals work, the significance of various shapes, the attributes of each color, how to choose and care for stones, some of their most common uses, and how to program them. There are tips, rituals, exercises and meditations to inform, guide, heal, protect and empower users. Basic correspondences for zodiac signs and chakras, and using crystal grids are also presented. I was impressed with the…

  • Monthly Columns

    Retha’s Crystal Reflections

    How Can My Crystals Support Me Now? I was going to write this months column on something completely different, then I thought….instead of suggesting new crystals to try, maybe sharing some tips on how to work more with the crystal allies you already have would be a better route to take. With the way the world has drastically changed over the last couple months, many are on very limited budgets, and many can’t purchase new tools right now. That’s OKAY. You don’t need any funds for sparkly new crystals (unless you can afford them- and if so, ROCK on!) As long as you have a piece of quartz, you are…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Crystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing by Yulia Van Doren

    Book Review Crystals The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing by Yulia Van Doren 144 Pages     I was lucky enough to get a copy of “Crystals- the Modern Guide to Crystal Healing” by Yulia Van Doren, Goldirocks.co. Photography by Erika Raxworthy. This book was published by Quadrille and is 143 pages long. It’s available for purchase now. The first 37 pages of this book give a ton of useful information for beginners. Some of the information covered include: How crystals work Crystal collecting Cleansing Charging & Programming crystals How to use crystals in your everyday life Chakras Essential Rockstar crystals. There is a lot of very sound advice and…